英文法律词典 M-52
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In quo quis delinquit, in eo de jure est puniendus. In whatever thing on offends, in that he is rightfully to be punished. Co. Litt. 233.

In repropriÉ iniquum admodum est alicui licentiam tribuere sententiae. It is expremely unjust that any one should be judge in his own cause.

In re dubiÉ magis inficiato quam affirmatio intelligenda. In a doubtful matter, the negative is to be understood rather than the affirmative. Godb. 37.

In republicÉ maximä conservanda sunt jura belli. In the state the laws of ware2 are to be greatly preserved. 2 Co. Inst. 58.

In restitutionem, non in paenam haeres succedit. The heir succeeds to the restitution3 not the penalty. 2 Co. Inst. 198.

In restitutionibus benignissima interpretatio facienda est. The most favorable construction is made in restitutions. Co. Litt. 112.

In suo quisque negotio hebetior est quam in alieno. Every one is more dull in his own business than in that of another. Co. Litt. 377.

In toto et pars4 continetur. A part is included in the whole. Dig. 50, 17, 113.

In traditionibus scriptorum non quod dictum est, sed quod gestum est, inscpicitur. In the delivery of writing, not what is said, but what is done is to be considered. 9 co. 137.

Incerta pro1 nullius habentur. Things uncertain are held for nothing Dav. 33.

Incerta quantitas vitiat acium. An uncertain quantity vitiates the act. 1 Roll. R. 465.

In civile est nisi tota sententia inspectu, de aliqua parte judicare. It is improper5 to pass an opinion on any part of a sentence, without examining the whole. Hob. 171.

Inclusio unius est exclusio alterius. The inclusion of onoe is the exclusion6 of another. 11 Co. 58.

Incommodum non solvit argumentum. An inconvenience does not solve an argument.


1 pro tk3zvX     
  • The two debating teams argued the question pro and con.辩论的两组从赞成与反对两方面辩这一问题。
  • Are you pro or con nuclear disarmament?你是赞成还是反对核裁军?
2 ware sh9wZ     
  • The shop sells a great variety of porcelain ware.这家店铺出售品种繁多的瓷器。
  • Good ware will never want a chapman.好货不须叫卖。
3 restitution cDHyz     
  • It's only fair that those who do the damage should make restitution.损坏东西的人应负责赔偿,这是再公平不过的了。
  • The victims are demanding full restitution.受害人要求全额赔偿。
4 pars b7cba0f5e1bb0fe47dbc1718ca5e24f2     
n.部,部分;平均( par的名词复数 );平价;同等;(高尔夫球中的)标准杆数
  • In humans, the pars intermedia is a rudimentary region. 人的脑垂体中间部是不发达的。 来自辞典例句
  • James Gregory gave in in his "Geometriae Pars Universalis" a method of rectifying curves. James Gregory在他的《几何的通用部分》中给出了计算曲线长度的方法。 来自辞典例句
5 improper b9txi     
  • Short trousers are improper at a dance.舞会上穿短裤不成体统。
  • Laughing and joking are improper at a funeral.葬礼时大笑和开玩笑是不合适的。
6 exclusion 1hCzz     
  • Don't revise a few topics to the exclusion of all others.不要修改少数论题以致排除所有其他的。
  • He plays golf to the exclusion of all other sports.他专打高尔夫球,其他运动一概不参加。