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Kevin: We can't sign any contract for ten years. But if your production quality is good after the first year, we could extend the contract and increase our yearly purchases.

Robert: That sounds reasonable. But could you shed some light on the size of your orders?

Kevin: If we are happy with your production quality, we might increase our purchases to 100,000 a year, for the first two years.

Robert: Excuse me, Mr. Hughes, but it seems to me we're giving up too much in this case. We'd be giving up the five year guarantee for increased yearly sales.

Kevin: Mr. Liu, you've got to give up something to get something.

Robert: You're asking us to take such a large gamble for just two year's sales, I'm sorry, but you're not in our ballpark.

Kevin: What would it take to keep Pacer interested?

Robert: A three year guarantee, not two. And a quality inspection1 tour after one year is fine, but we'd like some of our personnel on the team.

Kevin: Acceptable. Anything else?

Robert: We'd be making a huge capital outlay2 for the production process, so we'd like to set up a technology transfer agreement, to help us get off the ground.


1.利益受损 1. It seems to me we're giving up too much in this case. 2. It seems to me we're getting the short end of the stick. 3. It seems to me you're coming out on top with this case. 4. It seems to me we're at a disadvantage in this case.

双方谈判,若对方的要求让己方的利益受损,可用:"It seems to me we're giving up too much in this case."这句话来抱怨。


2.无法接受 1. You are not in our ballpark. 2. You are not offering anything we can accept. 3. You are not giving us anything really attractive. 4. You are not within our range.


"not in the ballpark"原是指棒球比赛时,若打出界外球,则此球不算数,必需重来。因此"You're not in our ballpark.",即表示对方的要求超出己方所能接受的范围。

3.请开条件 1. What would it take to keep you interested? 2. What do we have to do to keep you at the bargaining table? 3. What would it require from us to keep you interested? 4. What would it take to bring us closer together?

谈判步入僵局,对方显露强烈不满时,己方应表达‘愿闻其详’的态度,请他提出意见。实用的句型为:"What would it take to keep...(you) interested?"‘要怎样做才能使…(你)还有兴趣?’。这个句子显示顾及对方利益的诚意,愿意解决问题。



A. 避免当面指责

谈判时,互施小技诱敌入壳,乃在所难免,因此发觉对方有不善意图时,千万要避免尖刻的指责。如Robert发现Hughes的提案大大地牺牲己方的利益时,他说:"It seems to me we're giving up too much in this case."(我们似乎放弃太多);而不说:"You're giving us the short end here."(你让我们吃大亏)。以冷静缓和的口气指出事实,当下彼此心知肚明,而没有造成指着鼻子骂人的尴尬场面。

B. 尽量缓和对峙的场面

进行谈判的过程中,常会因一言不和,旋即造成紧张场面;其实同样的事情只要换种说法,就有不同的结果。如文中Robert就使用"Excuse me...,"以及"It seems to me..."这种不具威胁性的句型,告诉对方要作一些调整。这些句型审慎有礼,又不会有示弱或过分谦让的意味,通常会造成更好的谈判效果。


1 inspection y6TxG     
  • On random inspection the meat was found to be bad.经抽查,发现肉变质了。
  • The soldiers lined up for their daily inspection by their officers.士兵们列队接受军官的日常检阅。
2 outlay amlz8A     
  • There was very little outlay on new machinery.添置新机器的开支微乎其微。
  • The outlay seems to bear no relation to the object aimed at.这费用似乎和预期目的完全不相称。