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1. Relevant experience 相关工作经验 Twenty-three percent of hiring managers say the candidate's ability to relate their experience to the job at hand is the most important factor in the hiring decision. Unfortunately, new graduates often underestimate the experience they have through internships, part-time jobs and extracurricular activities, but 63 percent of hiring managers say they view volunteer activities as relevant experience. 23%的招聘经理称应聘者的相关工作经验是决定是否雇用的最重要的因素。不幸地是,应届毕业生往往低估实习、兼职及课外活动的重要性。而63%的招聘经理称他们会将志愿者活动当作相关经验。 2. Fit within the company culture 是否适应企业文化 Just because you look good on paper doesn't mean you're a shoo-in for the job. To 21 percent of employers, the trait they most want to see in a candidate is the ability to fit in with co-workers and the company. Offering up a blank stare when the interviewer asks why you are the right fit for the job will not go over well. Just be yourself, but never insult, interrupt or irritate the interviewer. This can also be evaluated by that "unimportant" small talk at the beginning of an interview or non-job-related questions like "What was the last book you read?" 你的简历做的好并不意味着就能获得工作。21%的招聘者最希望应聘者具有的素质是能和同事相处融洽、融入公司。在被问到为什么认为自己适合这份工作的时候,面无表情地紧盯面试官就不是一个好做法。表现出正常的状态就好,但注意绝不要侮辱、打断或惹怒面试官。面试前"不重要"的简短谈话,或那些与面试无关的问题,如"你最近读过什么书",都能评估出你能否融入公司。 3. Educational background 教育背景 Nineteen percent of hiring managers place the most emphasis on your educational background: the institution you attended, major, minor1 and degree earned. Be sure to also include courses taken and completed projects if relevant to the job. With grade point average, it's tricky2. A good rule of thumb is to omit it unless it is 3.0 or higher and denote if it's your overall or major GPA. 19%的招聘经理对教育背景最为关注:学校、主修、辅修及学历。如果你学过的课程、完成的项目和工作有关,一定要写在简历中,面试时也要提到。如果成绩一般,那就有点儿困难。一个经验之谈是如果成绩特别好,你可以在简历中小提一下,否则就不必要提了。 4. Enthusiasm 热情 Passion for the job is the top characteristic 19 percent of employers look for in a candidate. Employees who are passionate3 about their jobs tend to be more productive workers. The answer to "Why do you want to work here?" should always focus on the strengths of the company and the challenge of the position, not the perks4. A "take or leave it" attitude about the job will leave the employer feeling the same about you. 19%的雇主最看重工作热情。那些对工作有热情的员工往往会创造出更大的生产力。回答"为什么你想在这家公司工作",应该集中在这家公司的强项及职位的挑战性上,而不是报酬。"我的条件你不接受就拉倒"的态度会让雇主也产生和你一样的想法。 5. Preparedness 面试准备 Eight percent of hiring managers say the ideas you bring to the table and the questions you ask carry the most significance. Come in prepared to discuss how your qualifications can specifically contribute to the success of the company. Actually put yourself in that role and explain how you would perform your work and ways to improve it. 8%的招聘经理对于应试者阐述的想法以及提出的问题最为看重。准备好,讨论你的能力具体会如何给企业带来成功。把自己放在应聘的职位上,阐述你将如何开展工作及改善工作方法。 点击 ![]()
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