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第六课 文化差异 Cultural Differences

01. Chewing with Your Mouth Open 张开嘴咀嚼食物

  This is the opposite of western culture. The Chinese appreciate that you make noise while eating. Westerners feel this is disgusting and shows a complete lack of manners. Chew with your mouth shut!


02. Speaking with Your Mouth Full 说话时满嘴食物

  This is considered quite rude when at the dinner table. Western children are taught from a very early age never to do this.


03. Picking/Sucking Teeth 剔牙/吮牙

  It is considered rude to pick between your teeth where others can see you. Western restaurants usually do not supply toothpicks, so it is sometimes hard to decide when to remove food stuck between the teeth. It is usually best to excuse yourself and go to the bathroom.


04. Elbows on the Table 手肘支在桌上

  While eating you should be sitting up straight. Do not put your elbows on the table. Putting your elbows on the table will make you look like a farmer.


05. Spitting Food (Bones, Skin, etc.) Out of Your Mouth 直接从嘴里吐出食物(骨头、壳等)

  This is not done in Western restaurants. If you do need to take something out of your mouth, bring your napkin up to your mouth and place the item in it.


06. Picking Up Your Plate or Bowl 端起碗碟

  They think that only children do this. Don't lean over and slurp1 from the plate on the table either. Food must be transported from the dish to your mouth with a fork or a spoon. If you're nervous about using a knife and fork, buy a set and practice at home until you feel comfortable.


07. Speaking Loudly 大声讲话

  All Westerners try to keep the conversation to their own table. If the whole restaurant can hear you, you are speaking too loudly and it will be considered rude. In fact, some westerners find it difficult to do business in Chinese restaurants because the noise level is just too high.


08. Passing Gas/Belching/Burping 放屁和打嗝

  This is considered rude in any situation. If you do need to pass gas, excuse yourself and go to the bathroom. Of course sometimes this is out of your control. If you accidentally2 pass gas loudly in front of others, you need to say, "excuse me" and quickly start talking about something to distract3 the people around you. DO NOT discuss any details about your gas, or any bodily function at the table!


09. Cleaning Ears with Fingernails 用指甲挖耳孔

  This is not done in public. It shouldn't be done in private either! It's dangerous. Use a cotton swab!


10. Smoking 吸烟

  While others are still eating or even when everyone has finished eating, it is polite to ask their permission to smoke at the table. In many western restaurants, you will be asked if you prefer to be seated in the smoking or non-smoking section. If your host chooses the non-smoking section, you will have to excuse yourself from the table to smoke.


11. Advice to Foreigners in China 给在华外国人的建议

  【C=Chinese, W=Westerner】

  W: Man, I can't get used to this way of shopping. I'm never sure if I'm getting the best price, and most of the time I get all tongue-tied when I start haggling4.


  C: You've got to shop this way though. If you pay the first price you hear, you're likely to get ripped5 off.


  W: I know. I've noticed that you always seem to knock off some of the price.


  C: Don't worry. As soon as you pick up more of the language, there'll be no problem for you either.



1 slurp XT6zB     
  • You may not slurp your soup.喝汤不可发出声音。
  • Do you always slurp when a milkshake?你总是这样啧啧喝牛奶吗?
2 accidentally kJ6yv     
  • Mary accidentally let out that her mother had telephoned.玛丽无意中说出她的母亲来过电话。
  • As I turned around,I accidentally hit him in the face.我转身时不经意撞了他的脸。
3 distract ms9xo     
  • Don't distract my attention.不要分散我的注意力。
  • It was all a ploy to distract attention from his real aims.那纯粹是障眼法,用以分散人们对他真正意图的注意力。
4 haggling e480f1b12cf3dcbc73602873b84d2ab4     
v.讨价还价( haggle的现在分词 )
  • I left him in the market haggling over the price of a shirt. 我扔下他自己在市场上就一件衬衫讨价还价。
  • Some were haggling loudly with traders as they hawked their wares. 有些人正在大声同兜售货物的商贩讲价钱。 来自辞典例句
5 ripped ripped     
adj. <美俚>喝醉的,受毒品麻醉的 动词rip的过去式和过去分词
  • He had ripped up the carpet, leaving only the bare boards. 他用力扯去了地毯,只剩下裸露的地板。
  • I ripped my jeans on the fence. 我的牛仔裤在栅栏上划破了。