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Chinese education authority has required universities and colleges to rectify1 the problem of overemphasizing the role of theses in academic appraisals3.
不得简单以刊物、头衔、荣誉、资历等判断论文质量(the quality of a thesis should not be judged simply by the journal on which it is published or the author's title, honor and credentials),防止“以刊评文”“以刊代评”“以人评文”。
不得过分依赖国际数据和期刊(avoid over-reliance on international data and journals),防止国际期刊论文至上。
不得为追求国际发表而刻意矮化丑化中国、损害国家主权安全发展利益(anyone should not deliberately4 dwarf5 and vilify6 China or damage national sovereignty security and development interests in order to get international publication)。
不得将SSCI、CSSCI等论文收录数(number of theses included in the SSCI and CSSCI)、引用率和影响因子(citation rate and impact factor)等指标与资源分配、物质奖励、绩效工资(resource allocation, material incentives7 and performance-based salary)等简单挂钩,防止高额奖励论文。
不得将SSCI、CSSCI等论文收录数作为导师岗位选聘、人才计划申报评审的唯一指标(the only or compulsory8 criterion for selection of supervisors9 and appraisal2 of professors and researchers)。
不得把SSCI、CSSCI等论文收录数作为教师招聘、职务(职称)评聘、人才引进的前置条件和直接依据(the precondition and criterion for the recruitment, promotion10 and introduction of talents)。
不得将在学术期刊上发表论文作为学位授予的唯一标准(the publishing of theses in academic journals should not be taken as the only criterion for awarding academic degrees)。
不得将学历、职称等作为在教育系统学术期刊发表论文的限制性条件(diploma and academic titles should not serve as restrictive conditions for theses publishing in educational journals)。
不得多头评价、重复评价(one thesis should not be submitted in multiple appraisal events),严格控制涉及论文的评价活动数量和频次。
不得盲目采信、引用和宣传各类机构发布的排行榜(universities should not blindly adopt, quote and promote rankings issued by institutions),不过度依赖以论文发表情况为主要衡量指标的排行性评价。
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上一篇:中国慕课数量和应用规模已居世界第一 下一篇:现代语言教学在英国走下坡路 |
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