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George Lee came into the room, accompanied by his wife.
Colonel Johnson said:
“Good morning. Sit down, will you? There are a few questions I want to ask both of you.
Something I’m not quite clear about.”
Magdalene said faintly:
“Of course!”
“About those telephone calls on the night of the crime. You put through a call toWesteringham, I think you said, Mr. Lee?”
George said coldly:
“Yes, I did. To my agent in the constituency. I can refer you to him and—”
Superintendent3 Sugden held up his hand to stem the flow.
“Quite so—quite so, Mr. Lee. We’re not disputing that point. Your call went through at 8:59exactly.”
“Well—I—er—couldn’t say as to the exact time.”
“Ah,” said Sugden. “But we can! We always check up on these things very carefully. Verycarefully indeed. The call was put through at 8:59 and it was terminated at 9:4. Your father, Mr.
Lee, was killed about 9:15. I must ask you once more for an account of your movements.”
“I’ve told you—I was telephoning!”
“No, Mr. Lee, you weren’t.”
“Nonsense — you must have made a mistake! Well, I may, perhaps, have just finishedtelephoning—I think I debated making another call—was just considering whether it was—er—worth—the expense—when I heard the noise upstairs.”
“You would hardly debate whether or not to make a telephone call for ten minutes.”
George went purple. He began to splutter.
“What do you mean? What the devil do you mean? Damned impudence4! Are you doubtingmy word? Doubting the word of a man of my position? I—er—why should I have to account forevery minute of my time?”
Superintendent Sugden said with a stolidness5 that Poirot admired:
“It’s usual.”
George turned angrily on the chief constable.
The chief constable said crisply: “In a murder case, Mr. Lee, then questions must be asked—and answered.”
“I have answered them! I had finished telephoning and was—er—debating a further call.”
“You were in this room when the alarm was raised upstairs?”
“I was—yes, I was.”
Johnson turned to Magdalene.
“I think, Mrs. Lee,” he said, “that you stated that you were telephoning when the alarm brokeout, and that at the time you were alone in this room?”
Magdalene was flustered8. She caught her breath, looked sideways at George—at Sugden,then appealingly at Colonel Johnson. She said:
“Oh, really—I don’t know—I don’t remember what I said .?.?. I was so upset. .?.?.”
Sugden said:
“We’ve got it all written down, you know.”
She turned her batteries on him—wide appealing eyes—quivering mouth. But she met inreturn the rigid9 aloofness10 of a man of stern respectability who didn’t approve of her type.
She said uncertainly:
“I—I—of course I telephoned. I can’t be quite sure just when—”
She stopped.
George said:
“What’s all this? Where did you telephone from? Not in here.”
Superintendent Sugden said:
“I suggest, Mrs. Lee, that you didn’t telephone at all. In that case, where were you and whatwere you doing?”
“George, don’t let them bully12 me! You know that if anyone frightens me and thundersquestions at me, I can’t remember anything at all! I—I don’t know what I was saying that night—it was all so horrible—and I was so upset—and they’re being so beastly to me. .?.?.”
“What d’you mean? I won’t have my wife bullied15 and frightened out of her life! She’s verysensitive. It’s disgraceful! I shall have a question asked in the House about the disgraceful bullyingmethods of the police. It’s absolutely disgraceful!”
He strode out of the room and banged the door.
Superintendent Sugden threw his head back and laughed.
He said:
“We’ve got them going properly! Now we’ll see!”
Johnson said frowning:
Sugden said easily:
Poirot, who had been sitting in a dream, gave a start.
“I said she’ll be back.”
“Probably—yes, possibly—oh, yes!”
Sugden said, staring at him:
“What’s the matter, Mr. Poirot? Seen a ghost?”
Poirot said slowly:
“You know—I am not sure that I have not done just exactly that.”
Colonel Johnson said impatiently:
“Well, Sugden, anything else?”
Sugden said:
“I’ve been trying to check up on the order in which everyone arrived on the scene of themurder. It’s quite clear what must have happened. After the murder when the victim’s dying cryhad given the alarm, the murderer slipped out, locked the door with pliers, or something of thatkind, and a moment or two later became one of the people hurrying to the scene of the crime.
Unfortunately it’s not easy to check exactly whom everyone has seen because people’s memoriesaren’t very accurate on a point like that. Tressilian says he saw Harry18 and Alfred Lee cross the hallfrom the dining room and race upstairs. That lets them out, but we don’t suspect them anyway. Asfar as I can make out, Miss Estravados got there late—one of the last. The general idea seems tobe that Farr, Mrs. George, and Mrs. David were the first. Each of those three says one of the otherswas just ahead of them. That’s what’s so difficult, you can’t distinguish between a deliberate lieand a genuine haziness19 of recollection. Everybody ran there—that’s agreed, but in what order theyran isn’t so easy to get at.”
Poirot said slowly:
“You think that important?”
Sugden said:
“It’s the time element. The time, remember, was incredibly short.”
Poirot said:
“I agree with you that the time element is very important in this case.”
Sugden went on:
“What makes it more difficult is that there are two staircases. There’s the main one in the hallhere about equidistant from the dining room and the drawing room doors. Then there’s one theother end of the house. Stephen Farr came up by the latter. Miss Estravados came along the upperlanding from that end of the house (her room is right the other end). The others say they went upby this one.”
Poirot said:
“It is a confusion, yes.”
The door opened and Magdalene came quickly in. She was breathing fast and had a brightspot of colour in each cheek. She came up to the table and said quietly:
“My husband thinks I’m lying down. I slipped out of my room quietly. Colonel Johnson,” sheappealed to him with wide, distressed20 eyes, “if I tell you the truth you will keep quiet about it,won’t you? I mean you don’t have to make everything public?”
Colonel Johnson said:
“You mean, I take it, Mrs. Lee, something that has no connection with the crime?”
“Yes, no connection at all. Just something in my—my private life.”
The chief constable said:
“You’d better make a clean breast of it, Mrs. Lee, and leave us to judge.”
Magdalene said, her eyes swimming:
“Yes, I will trust you. I know I can. You look so kind. You see, it’s like this. There’ssomebody—” She stopped.
“Yes, Mrs. Lee?”
“I wanted to telephone to somebody last night—a man—a friend of mine, and I didn’t wantGeorge to know about it. I know it was very wrong of me—but well, it was like that. So I went totelephone after dinner when I thought George would be safely in the dining room. But when I gothere I heard him telephoning, so I waited.”
“Where did you wait, madame?” asked Poirot.
“There’s a place for coats and things behind the stairs. It’s dark there. I slipped back there,where I could see George come out from this room. But he didn’t come out, and then all the noisehappened and Mr. Lee screamed, and I ran upstairs.”
“So your husband did not leave this room until the moment of the murder?”
The chief constable said:
“Yes, but I couldn’t say so, you see! They’d want to know what I was doing there. It’s beenvery, very awkward for me, you do see that, don’t you?”
Johnson said dryly:
“It was certainly awkward.”
She smiled at him sweetly.
“I’m so relieved to have told you the truth. And you won’t tell my husband, will you? No,I’m sure you won’t! I can trust you, all of you.”
She included them all in her final pleading look, then she slipped quickly out of the room.
Colonel Johnson drew a deep breath.
“It might not,” finished Sugden. “That’s just it. We don’t know.”
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