16-04-09 Exercising for as little as two-and-a-half hours a week can undo damage done by sitting down all day, a study has found. 研究发现,每周仅需2.5小时的锻炼,就可抵消终日久坐带来的危害。 The study by the University of Leicester found that even moderate...
16-04-06 Children are far from meeting national guidelines for physical activity, and girls are at greatest risk of falling short of recommendations according to a study measuring the physical activity of 453 schoolchildren in Massachusetts during a one-week...
16-03-30 蒙娜丽莎综合症--- MONA LISA hypothesis 是取英语Most Obesities kNown Are Low In Sympathetic Activity(意即大多数的肥胖是由交感神经不够活跃而造成的)的首字母而拼成的名字。换言之,瘦不下去是因为消耗人体热量的交感神经活动低下。 Obesity is considered a w...
15-06-02 Chinese Vice Premier Wang Yang will attend the Milan Expo in Italy and participate in activities for the China National Pavilion Day from June 6 to 10. 中国副总理汪洋将参加意大利米兰国际博览会,并将于6月6日至10日参加中国国家馆日举行的活动。 Chinese...
15-01-06 Chinese director Xu Jinglei, actor Wu Yifan and actress Wang Likun attended an activity to promote Xu's latest romantic film Somewhere Only We Know at Renmin University of China on Monday. 中国导演徐静蕾、演员吴亦凡以及女演员王丽坤周一在中国人民大学...
11-08-02 Even small amounts of physical activity will help reduce heart disease risk, and the benefit increases as the amount of activity increases, according to a quantitative review reported in Circulation, journal of the American Heart Association. People...
10-04-05 Unintentional(无意识的) physical activity may be influenced by non-conscious attitudes, noted David Conroy, associate professor of kinesiology(运动机能学,人体运动学) and human development and family studies. The challenge of encouraging more ac...
10-04-04 American children aren't the only couch potatoes with nearly one third of children globally spending three hours a day or more watching TV or on computers, according to study of over 70,000 teens in 34 nations. 一项面向34个国家7万多名青少年开展的调...
10-04-02 Scientists funded by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) at the University of Birmingham have discovered that a gene called DAF-16 is strongly involved in determining the rate of ageing and average lifespan(生命值,寿...
09-11-30 Men and women may respond differently to danger, a brain scan study suggests. 一项脑部扫描显示,面对危险,男女反应会有不同。 A team from Krakow, in Poland, used functional magnetic resonance imaging(机能性核共振成像) (fMRI) to assess brain activit...