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Hercule Poirot held his audience under the spell of his personality. They watched him, fascinated,as he began slowly to speak.
“It is all there, you see. The dead man is the focus and centre of the mystery! We must probedeep into the heart and mind of Simeon Lee and see what we find there. For a man does not liveand die to himself alone. That which he has, he hands on—to those who come after him. .?.?.
“What had Simeon Lee to bequeath to his sons and daughter? Pride, to begin with—a pridewhich, in the old man, was frustrated2 in his disappointment over his children. Then there was thequality of patience. We have been told that Simeon Lee waited patiently for years in order torevenge himself upon someone who had done him an injury. We see that that aspect of histemperament was inherited by the son who resembled him least in face. David Lee also couldremember and continue to harbour resentment4 through long years. In face, Harry5 Lee was the onlyone of his children who closely resembled him. That resemblance is quite striking when weexamine the portrait of Simeon Lee as a young man. There is the same high-bridged aquiline6 nose,the long sharp line of the jaw7, the backward poise8 of the head. I think, too, that Harry inheritedmany of his father’s mannerisms — that habit, for instance, of throwing back his head andlaughing, and another habit of drawing his finger along the line of his jaw.
“Bearing all these things in mind, and being convinced that the murder was committed by aperson closely connected with the dead man, I studied the family from the psychologicalstandpoint. That is, I tried to decide which of them were psychologically possible criminals. And,in my judgment9, only two persons qualified10 in that respect. They were Alfred Lee and Hilda Lee,David’s wife. David himself I rejected as a possible murderer. I do not think a person of hisdelicate susceptibilities could have faced the actual bloodshed of a cut throat. George Lee and hiswife I likewise rejected. Whatever their desires, I did not think they had the temperament3 to take arisk. They were both essentially11 cautious. Mrs. Alfred Lee I felt sure was quite incapable12 of an actof violence. She has too much irony13 in her nature. About Harry Lee I hesitated. He had a certaincoarse truculence14 of aspect, but I was nearly sure that Harry Lee, in spite of his bluff15 and hisbluster, was essentially a weakling. That, I now know, was also his father’s opinion. Harry, hesaid, was worth no more than the rest. That left me with two people I have already mentioned.
Alfred Lee was a person capable of a great deal of selfless devotion. He was a man who hadcontrolled and subordinated himself to the will of another for many years. It was always possibleunder these conditions for something to snap. Moreover, he might quite possibly have harboured asecret grudge16 against his father which might gradually have grown in force through never beingexpressed in any way. It is the quietest and meekest17 people who are often capable of the mostsudden and unexpected violence for the reason that when their control does snap, it does soentirely! The other person I considered was capable of the crime was Hilda Lee. She is the kind ofindividual who is capable, on occasions, of taking the law into her own hands—though neverthrough selfish motives18. Such people judge and also execute. Many Old Testament19 characters areof this type. Jael and Judith, for example.
“And now having got so far I examined the circumstances of the crime itself. And the firstthing that arises—that strikes one in the face, as it were—is the extraordinary conditions underwhich that crime took place! Take your minds back to that room where Simeon Lee lay dead. Ifyou remember, there was both a heavy table and a heavy chair overturned, a lamp, crockery,glasses, etc. But the chair and the table were especially surprising. They were of solid mahogany.
It was hard to see how any struggle between that frail20 old man and his opponent could result in somuch solid furniture being overturned and knocked down. The whole thing seemed unreal. Andyet surely no one in their senses would stage such an effect if it had not really occurred—unlesspossibly Simeon Lee had been killed by a powerful man and the idea was to suggest that theassailant was a woman or somebody of weak physique.
“But such an idea was unconvincing in the extreme, since the noise of the furniture wouldgive the alarm and the murderer would thereby21 have very little time to make his exit. It wouldsurely be to anyone’s advantage to cut Simeon Lee’s throat as quietly as possible.
“Another extraordinary point was the turning of the key in the lock from the outside. Again,there seemed no reason for such a proceeding22. It could not suggest suicide, since nothing in thedeath itself accorded with suicide. It was not to suggest escape through the windows—for thosewindows were so arranged that escape that way was impossible! Moreover, once again, it involvedtime. Time which must be precious to the murderer!
“There was one other incomprehensible thing—a piece of rubber cut from Simeon Lee’sspongebag and a small wooden peg23 shown to me by Superintendent24 Sugden. These had beenpicked up from the floor by one of the persons who first entered the room. There again—thesethings did not make sense! They meant exactly nothing at all! Yet they had been there.
“The crime, you perceive, is becoming increasingly incomprehensible. It has no order, nomethod—enfin, it is not reasonable.
“And now we come to a further difficulty. Superintendent Sugden was sent for by the deadman; a robbery was reported to him, and he was asked to return an hour and a half later. Why? If itis because Simeon Lee suspected his granddaughter or some other member of the family, whydoes he not ask Superintendent Sugden to wait downstairs while he has his interview straight awaywith the suspected party? With the superintendent actually in the house, his lever over the guiltyperson would have been much stronger.
“So now we arrive at the point where not only the behaviour of the murderer is extraordinary,but the behaviour of Simeon Lee also is extraordinary!
“And I say to myself: ‘This thing is all wrong!’ Why? Because we are looking at it from thewrong angle. We are looking at it from the angle that the murderer wants us to look at it. .?.?.
“We have three things that do not make sense: the struggle, the turned key, and the snip25 ofrubber. But there must be some way of looking at those three things which would make sense!
And I empty my mind blank and forget the circumstances of the crime and take these things ontheir own merits. I say—a struggle. What does that suggest? Violence—breakage—noise .?.?. Thekey? Why does one turn a key? So that no one shall enter? But the key did not prevent that, sincethe door was broken down almost immediately. To keep someone in? To keep someone out? Asnip of rubber? I say to myself: ‘A little piece of a spongebag is a little piece of a spongebag, andthat is all!’
“So you would say there is nothing there — and yet that is not strictly26 true, for threeimpressions remain: noise—seclusion—blankness. .?.?.
“Do they fit with either of my two possibles? No, they do not. To both Alfred Lee and HildaLee a quiet murder would have been infinitely27 preferable, to have wasted time in locking the doorfrom the outside is absurd, and the little piece of spongebag means yet once more—nothing at all!
“And yet I have very strongly the feeling that there is nothing absurd about this crime—that itis on the contrary, very well planned and admirably executed. That is has, in fact, succeeded!
Therefore that everything that has happened was meant .?.?.
“Blood — so much blood — blood everywhere .?.?. An insistence29 on blood — fresh, wet,gleaming blood .?.?. So much blood—too much blood .?.?.
“And a second thought comes with that. This is a crime of blood—it is in the blood. It isSimeon Lee’s own blood that rises up against him. .?.?.”
Hercule Poirot leaned forward.
“The two most valuable clues in this case were uttered quite unconsciously by two differentpeople. The first was when Mrs. Alfred Lee quoted a line from Macbeth: ‘Who would havethought the old man to have had so much blood in him?’ The other was a phrase uttered byTressilian, the butler. He described how he felt dazed and things seemed to be happening that hadhappened before. It was a very simple occurrence that gave him that strange feeling. He heard aring at the bell and went to open the door to Harry Lee, and the next day he did the same thing toStephen Farr.
“Now why did he have that feeling? Look at Harry Lee and Stephen Farr and you will seewhy. They are astoundingly alike! That was why opening the door to Stephen Farr was just likeopening the door to Harry Lee. It might almost have been the same man standing30 there. And then,only today, Tressilian mentioned that he was always getting muddled31 between people. No wonder!
Stephen Farr has a high-bridged nose, a habit of throwing his head back when he laughs, and atrick of stroking his jaw with his forefinger32. Look long and earnestly at the portrait of Simeon Leeas a young man and you see not only Harry Lee, but Stephen Farr. .?.?.”
Stephen moved. His chair creaked. Poirot said:
“Remember that outburst of Simeon Lee, his tirade33 against his family. He said, youremember it, that he would swear he had better sons born the wrong side of the blanket. We areback again at the character of Simeon Lee. Simeon Lee, who was successful with women and whobroke his wife’s heart! Simeon Lee, who boasted to Pilar that he might have a bodyguard34 of sonsalmost the same age! So I came to this conclusion: Simeon Lee had not only his legitimate35 familyin the house, but an unacknowledged and unrecognized son of his own blood.”
Stephen got to his feet. Poirot said:
“That was your real reason, wasn’t it? Not that pretty romance of the girl you met in the train!
You were coming here before you met her. Coming to see what kind of a man your father was.
Stephen had gone dead white. He said, and his voice was broken and husky:
“Yes, I’ve always wondered .?.?. Mother spoke36 about him sometimes. It grew into a kind ofobsession with me—to see what he was like! I made a bit of money and I came to England. Iwasn’t going to let him know who I was. I pretended to be old Eb’s son. I came here for onereason only—to see the man who was my father. .?.?.”
Superintendent Sugden said in almost a whisper:
“Lord, I’ve been blind .?.?. I can see it now. Twice I’ve taken you for Mr. Harry Lee and thenseen my mistake, and yet I never guessed!”
He turned on Pilar.
“That was it, wasn’t it? It was Stephen Farr you saw standing outside that door? Youhesitated, I remember, and looked at him before you said it was a woman. It was Farr you saw,and you weren’t going to give him away.”
“No,” she said. “You’re wrong. It was I whom Pilar saw. .?.?.”
Poirot said:
“You, madame? Yes, I thought so. .?.?.”
Hilda said quietly:
“Self-preservation is a curious thing. I wouldn’t believe I could be such a coward. To keepsilence just because I was afraid!”
Poirot said:
“You will tell us now?”
She nodded.
“I was with David in the music room. He was playing. He was in a very queer mood. I was alittle frightened and I felt my responsibility very keenly because it was I who had insisted oncoming here. David began to play the ‘Dead March,’ and suddenly I made up my mind. Howeverodd it might seem, I determined38 that we would both leave at once—that night. I went quietly outof the music room and upstairs. I meant to go to old Mr. Lee and tell him quite plainly why wewere going. I went along the corridor to his room and knocked on the door. There was no answer.
I knocked again a little louder. There was still no answer. Then I tried the door handle. The doorwas locked. And then, as I stood hesitating, I heard a sound inside the room—”
She stopped.
“You won’t believe me, but it’s true! Someone was in there—assaulting Mr. Lee. I heardtables and chairs overturned and the crash of glass and china, and then I heard that one lasthorrible cry that died away to nothing—and then silence.
“I stood there paralysed! I couldn’t move! And then Mr. Farr came running along andMagdalene and all the others and Mr. Farr and Harry began to batter39 on the door. It went downand we saw the room, and there was no one in it—except Mr. Lee lying dead in all that blood.”
Her quiet voice rose higher. She cried:
“There was no one else there—no one, you understand! And no one had come out of theroom. .?.?.”
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