日期:2007-10-17 He forgot -- and I -- remembered -- 'Twas an everyday affair -- Long ago as Christ and Peter -- Warmed them at the Temple fire. Thou wert with him -- quoth the Damsel? No -- said Peter, 'twasn't me -- Jesus merely looked at Peter -- Could I do aught... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-17 My Eye is fuller than my vase -- Her Cargo -- is of Dew -- And still -- my Heart -- my Eye outweighs -- East India -- for you!... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-17 Two swimmers wrestled on the spar -- Until the morning sun -- When One -- turned smiling to the land -- Oh God! the Other One! The stray ships -- passing -- Spied a face -- Upon the waters borne -- With eyes in death -- still begging raised -- And ha... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-17 I stole them from a Bee -- Because -- Thee -- Sweet plea -- He pardoned me!... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-17 I'm wife -- I've finished that -- That other state -- I'm Czar -- I'm Woman now -- It's safer so -- How odd the Girl's life looks Behind this soft Eclipse -- I think that Earth feels so To folks in Heaven -- now -- This being comfort -- then That oth... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-17 Morning -- is the place for Dew -- Corn -- is made at Noon -- After dinner light -- for flowers -- Dukes -- for Setting Sun!... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-17 Morning -- is the place for Dew -- Corn -- is made at Noon -- After dinner light -- for flowers -- Dukes -- for Setting Sun!... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-17 We don't cry -- Tim and I, We are far too grand -- But we bolt the door tight To prevent a friend -- Then we hide our brave face Deep in our hand -- Not to cry -- Tim and I -- We are far too grand -- Nor to dream -- he and me -- Do we condescend -- W... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-17 For this -- accepted Breath -- Through it -- compete with Death -- The fellow cannot touch this Crown -- By it -- my title take -- Ah, what a royal sake To my necessity -- stooped down! No Wilderness -- can be Where this attendeth me -- No Desert Noo... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-17 On this long storm the Rainbow rose -- On this late Morn -- the Sun -- The clouds -- like listless Elephants -- Horizons -- straggled down -- The Birds rose smiling, in their nests -- The gales -- indeed -- were done -- Alas, how heedless were the ey... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-17 I shall know why -- when Time is over -- And I have ceased to wonder why -- Christ will explain each separate anguish In the fair schoolroom of the sky -- He will tell me what Peter promised -- And I -- for wonder at his woe -- I shall forget the dro... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-17 Poor little Heart! Did they forget thee? Then dinna care! Then dinna care! Proud little Heart! Did they forsake thee? Be debonnaire! Be debonnaire! Frail little Heart! I would not break thee -- Could'st credit me? Could'st credit me? Gay little Heart... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-17 The Skies can't keep their secret! They tell it to the Hills -- The Hills just tell the Orchards -- And they -- the Daffodils! A Bird -- by chance -- that goes that way -- Soft overhears the whole -- If I should bribe the little Bird -- Who knows but... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-17 He was weak, and I was strong -- then -- So He let me lead him in -- I was weak, and He was strong then -- So I let him lead me -- Home. 'Twasn't far -- the door was near -- 'Twasn't dark -- for He went -- too -- 'Twasn't loud, for He said nought --... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-17 It's such a little thing to weep -- So short a thing to sigh -- And yet -- by Trades -- the size of these We men and women die!... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-17 Make me a picture of the sun -- So I can hang it in my room -- And make believe I'm getting warm When others call it Day! Draw me a Robin -- on a stem -- So I am hearing him, I'll dream, And when the Orchards stop their tune -- Put my pretense -- awa... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-17 How many times these low feet staggered -- Only the soldered mouth can tell -- Try -- can you stir the awful rivet -- Try -- can you lift the hasps of steel! Stroke the cool forehead -- hot so often -- Lift -- if you care -- the listless hair -- Hand... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-17 What shall I do -- it whimpers so -- This little Hound within the Heart All day and night with bark and start -- And yet, it will not go -- Would you untie it, were you me -- Would it stop whining -- if to Thee -- I sent it -- even now? It should not... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-17 Faith is a fine invention When Gentlemen can see -- But Microscopes are prudent In an Emergency.... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-17 A transport one cannot contain May yet a transport be -- Though God forbid it lift the lid -- Unto its Ecstasy! A Diagram -- of Rapture! A sixpence at a Show -- With Holy Ghosts in Cages! The Universe would go!... 阅读全文>> |