016. break through
017. break up
018. bring about 带来,造成 (=give rise to, lead to, result to )
019. bring down
EG: The wind brought down a number of
EG: Good Harvest will bring down the price.
020. bring forth1
EG:Trees bring forth fruit.
EG:bring forth a question.
021. bring forward
EG: Can you bring forward any proof of what you said ?
022. bring out
EG: This essay fully2 brings out his ability. 这篇论文充分显示出他的才能。
[2]公布,出版。bring out a new book
023. bring to
EG: A glass of water brought him to.
024. bring up教育,培养,使成长
025. bring/put …into practice 实施,实行
026. build up
027. burn out
028. burn up
EG: He burned up all the books after the failure in the entrance examination.
029. call for
EG: The job calls for patience.
EG: I’ll call for you at your house. 我将到你家去找你。
030. call forth
EG: The proposals called forth a good deal of hostile criticism. 这些建议引起许多敌意的批评。
call forth all one’s energies 全力以赴