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366. stick out 伸出,突出
367. stick to 坚持,忠于,信守(同义adhere to,keep to,cling to,hold to)
EG: I will stick to my father whatever is said of him.
368. sum up 总结,概括
369. summon up
    EG: You must summon up all your courage to meet the danger. 你必须鼓足勇气于面对危险。
    EG: She tried to summon up the memory of the event. 她试图唤起对那件事的回忆。
370. take a chance 冒险一试
    EG: Won’t you take a chance on the prize? You may win it. 你何不碰碰运气去争奖?你可能得奖。
371. take advantage of 利用
372. take after 与…相象
    EG: She takes after her mother in appearance.她的长相随她的母亲。
    **look like 外表看起来“像”;
      take after相貌、性格方面“随”年长的亲属。
373. take apart 拆开,拆卸(机器)(?)
374. take away 消除,消耗
    EG: Please use this medicine to take away the pain. 止痛请用这种药。
375. take care 当心,留神
    EG: Take care not to catch cold. = Take care  (that) you don’t catch cold.小心不要感冒着凉。
376. take care of
    [2]承担,处理,负责(be responsible for)。
377. take charge of  负责,监督,管理
378. take delight in 以…为乐
    EG: Harry1 takes great delight in teasing his little sister. 哈里很喜欢逗他的小妹妹玩。
379. take down 记下,写下(同义—get down, set down, put down, write down)
EG: Your speech is so quick that I can’t take down what you’ve said.
380. take effect 生效,奏效


1 harry heBxS     
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