文章来源:未知 文章作者:enread 发布时间:2023-02-14 05:09 字体: [ ]  进入论坛

  Thank you


  Good morning


  Thank you secretary Pompeo for a kind introduction感谢国务卿蓬佩奥先生的介绍

  and for having me here to celebrate these amazing women感谢你们邀请我到现场来祝贺这些了不起的女性们and the incredible work they are doing through the world共同庆祝她们在全世界范围内所做出的杰出工作It has been my honor to attend the celebration for the last three years在过去的三年里 我都有幸参与这场庆典

  As first lady of the United States and I'm proud to represent our country作为美国的第一夫人 我很自豪能代表我们的国家that empowers and support women here at home and on an international scale在国内和国际范围内 都能够给予女性权力和大力的支持Throughout history, women have contributed in so many ways to our society纵观历史 女性在许多方面都为我们的社会作出了贡献Tomorrow is International Women's Day


  yet another opportunity to recognize the work of women throughout time这也是个表彰女性长期以来做出的贡献的机会

  Women continue to influence the world in so many powerful ways女性将继续以如此强有力的方式影响着这个世界We now have more women in Congress than any other time in our nation's history在美国历史上 没有哪个时候比现在有更多的女性在国会工作Women's unemployment in the United States has reached the lowest level in 65 years美国女性的失业率达到了65年来的最低水平

  and more than 2 million more women are working today than in November 2016与2016年的11月相比 今天有超过200万的女性在工作岗位上This is something to celebrate


  As I have said before, I believe courage is one of the qualities we need most in society正如我之前所说的 我相信勇气是我们在社会上最需要的品质之一It is what propels us forward


  Courage is what divide those who only talk about change from those who actually act to change勇气 将那些只谈论改变的人和那些用实际行动来改变的人区分开来Courage take sacrifice, bravery and humility勇气需要我们有牺牲 勇敢和谦逊的品质

  It is the ability to put others first


  The courage of women throughout our history continues to inspire us历史上那些有勇气的女性以她们的事迹继续激励着我们and it is my great privilege to recognize today women who have achieved remarkable success我很荣幸能在今天 向那些取得显著成就的女性表达我的敬意I know we all have the courage within us to achieve great things for the betterment of this world我知道我们每个人都有勇气去改善这个世界 并因此取得伟大的成就The women we are cornering today, a symbol of courage今天聚集在这里的所有女性  你们都是勇气的象征The human rights advocates in some of the most dangerous parts of our world她们在世界上一些最危险的地区倡导人权

  and they have pushed through gender-based stereotypes to serve the greater good她们打破了基于性别的刻板印象 并服务于更大的利益This courageous women


  nature and serve the lives of vulnerable and forgotten within communities非常自然地服务于那些弱势群体和被遗忘的社区They're role models to the next generation她们是下一代的榜样

  Through their work, they empower women everywhere通过他们的工作 世界各地的女性获得了应有的权利and I for one, I'm grateful for the work

  我也是受益者 我真的非常感谢她们做出的贡献I want to thank the secretary Pompeo


  and State Department


  and the Office of global women's issues


  for all the work they are doing in the pursuit of a world that is more free and more prosperous感谢你们为追求一个更自由和繁荣的世界所做的一切I look forward to today's celebration, that bless you, your families我很期待今天的庆典活动 祝福你们以及你们的家人and God bless the United States of America上帝保佑美利坚合众国

  Thank you

