10-06-25 你是不是曾经因为在某一次派对上把饮料撒了一身而懊恼很久?你有没有曾经在公共场合摔倒,然后在5秒钟内迅速起身,还要装作若无其事?回答都是是?恭喜你,你也是 spotlight effect 组的一员了。 Spotlight effect, also called the social spotlight effect, is the t...
10-05-19 British web users are spending 65% more time online than three years ago, according to a survey of net habits. 一线针对英国网民的调查显示,英国人现在上网的时间比过去三年上涨65%。 Britons spend the majority of their time on social networks The averag...
10-04-13 Children with the genetic condition known as Williams syndrome(综合症) have unusually friendly natures because they lack the sense of fear that the rest of us feel in many social situations. Now, a study reported in the April 13th issue of Current...
10-03-31 Acoustic(声学的,听觉的) analysis of the 'giggle' sound made by spotted hyenas(土狼) has revealed that the animals' laughter encodes information about age, dominance and identity. Researchers writing in the open access journal BMC Ecology record...
10-03-31 Misunderstandings about proper use of antibiotics(抗生学,抗生素) have the potential to spread widely through social networks such as Twitter, according to a report in the April issue of AJIC: American Journal of Infection Control, the official pu...
10-03-21 Recent studies have shown that behaviors such as happiness, obesity(肥大,肥胖) , smoking and altruism(利他主义) are contagious(蔓延的,感染性的) within adult social networks. In other words, your behavior not only influences your friends, but...
10-01-21 Neurobehavioral researchers at Rush University Medical Center have found three key factors in a child's behavior that can lead to social rejection抛弃,拒绝 . The studies are a crucial决定性的,重要的 step in developing scientifically sound screenin...
09-12-23 A new study looks in depth深入地,全面地 at the social relationships between male and female teenagers, relational violence, and psycho-social adjustment factors such as loneliness, self- esteem尊重,尊敬 and satisfaction with life. The results show...
09-09-29 真的有一见钟情这回事吗?为什么没有呢?当爱情来了的时候,那一刻无论如何,情侣们总会找到他们相互惺惺相惜之处。这也许就像他们都曾经读过同一本书,都在一个镇上出生一样平常。同时,他们又会看到双方性格上的互补。 Have you ever known a married couple that ju...
09-09-13 The world's biggest social networking site has launched a slimmed-down version for people with slow or poor internet connections. 世界上最大的社交网站为网速慢、网络差的用户发布了精简版本。 Facebook is working on other translations of its Lite site F...