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精彩对白 Bride 1: I'd like to take a moment to give a special thank-you to a girl...who's really gone above and beyond: Bride2: The girl who not only hosted my shower and helped me design the invitation- Bride1: She went with me to the caterer1, the florist2, the wedding cake bakery- Bride2: And to eight bridal stores...where she helped me cling to my self-esteem- Bride1: As I tried on dress after dress. Bride2: So thanks, Jane! Bride1: Thanks, Jane. Okay! Everybody ready? Man: Is she all right? Is she all right? Kevin: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Easy. Just take it easy. You don't wanna move around too much. Okay. This is a serious injury. I need you to give me some ice. You, give me a bottle of 100-proof liquor...and something she can bite on- stat! All right. She's fine, folks. Just a little bump on the head. Carry on. Jane: You a doctor? Kevin: No, but Tweedledee and "Tweedledrunk" were bugging3 me, so-- Okay. Do you know your name? Jane: Jane. Kevin: Jane. I'm Kevin. Jane: Hmm. Thank you for helping4 me. Kevin: Sure. Got it? Okay. You're good? Jane: I'm fine. Kevin: All right. Whoa, whoa. Okay. Why don't we get you a cab? All right. Nice and easy. Let's walk. [Jazz Standard] That I'm irresponsibly mad for you. Kevin: I loved your thong5, by the way. You buzzed past me earlier. I saw you changing gowns. You were in two weddings in one night, weren't you? That's a little upsetting, don't you think? Jane: They're both good friends of mine, and their weddings happened to be on the same night, so what was I supposed to do? Kevin: Oh, no. That's not the upsetting part. How do you stand it? I mean, isn't one wedding bad enough? Jane: I love weddings. I always have. Kevin: Really? Jane: Yeah: Kevin: Which part, the forced merriment, horrible music or bad food? Jane: Actually, it's meeting upbeat people like yourself. Kevin: Love is patient. Love is kind. Love means slowly losing your mind. Jane: What do you do again? Kevin: I'm a writer. Jane: Right. This is my building: Kevin: I got it: Jane: No. I got it. Kevin: Sure? J ane: Yeah. All right, sweetie. A hundred and forty. You know what you did. Hey! What's- No. He's gonna be right back. Hold on. Kevin: Don't you think it's a whole lot of ritual for something that…Let's face it- It's got about a 50-50 shot of making it out of the gate. Jane: How very refreshing6. A man who doesn't believe in marriage. Kevin: I'm just trying to point out the hypocrisy7 of the spectacle. Jane: That's so noble of you. Do you also go around...telling small children that Santa Claus doesn't exist?' Cause someone needs to blow that shit wide open. Kevin: So you admit that believing in marriage is kind of like believing in Santa Claus. Jane: No. I, I don't know why I'm arguing this with a perfect stranger. But, yes, marriage, like everything good and important, isn't easy. Cynicism, on the other hand, always is. It was very interesting meeting you. Kevin: Bye. Jane: Yeah. Kevin: You gonna be in more weddings next weekend? Jane: I have to go. Kevin: How many have you been in, by the way? Just, like, ballpark. Jane: Good night. 妙语佳句 活学活用 1. take a moment: 花一些时间来做某事。在结婚典礼上,新娘为了表达对Jane的感谢,说:“让我花一些时间,来表达对Jane的谢意。” 2. above and beyond: 大于,多于。新娘在这里称赞Jane,说她go above and beyond,意思是说她不辞辛劳,为婚礼跑了很多腿。 3. shower: 婚前派对,也称为bridal shower,为即将结婚的女性举行的聚会。有时我们为即将分娩的“准妈妈”也举办此类shower。 4. bridal store: 婚纱店。一些bridal store不仅提供wedding gowns(结婚礼服),还为bridesmaid(伴娘)准备了bridesmaid dresses(伴娘礼服)。 5. take it easy: 别紧张。碰到很让人着急的情况时,我们常会说:“Take it easy.” (别着急,沉住气)。 6. 100-proof liquor: 纯酒精。Proof在这里指a standard used to measure the strength of alcoholic8 drinks(标准酒精度)。Proof做后缀,一般用来表示“防…的;抗…的”,例如:bid-proof(防竞争收购),chip-proof(不易破碎的)。 7. merriment: 嬉戏,欢笑。Kevin觉得在婚礼上,人们都要forced merriment(扮笑),听难听的音乐,吃味道很差的食物,所以他一点儿也不喜欢参加婚礼。 8. lose one's mind: 不能自制。Kevin的意思是“爱情让人无法控制自己”。例如:I lose my mind just stand next to him.(和他站在一起就使我意乱情迷)。 9. 50-50 shot: 50%的几率。Kevin是个婚姻怀疑论者,所以他说,结婚的人有50-50 shot(50%的几率)of making it out of the gate(离婚)。#p#分页标题#e# 10. cynicism: 愤世嫉俗,玩世不恭。人们还常称这类人为“犬儒主义”。犬儒主义的本意是指人应当摒弃一切世俗的事物,包括宗教、礼节、惯常的衣食住行方面的习俗等一切世俗,提倡对道德的无限追求,同时过着极简单而非物质的生活。现在,“犬儒主义”一词通常用来描述那些认为“人不为己、天诛地灭”是人类行为的原动力,并且拒绝认为利他主义及道德考量是人类行为的原始动机的人。 点击 ![]()
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