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Officer: Kaminsky, Henry.
Steven: Boy, a lot of guys getting killed over there.
Officer: Rogers, Steven.
Steven: Nope.
Officer: Rogers. What did your father die of?
Officer: Your mother?
Officer: Sorry, son.
Steven: Look, just give me a chance.
Steven: Is there anything you can do?
Officer: I'm doing it. I'm saving your life.
Pre-movie trailer: War continues to ravage7 Europe. But help is on the way. Every able-bodied young man is lining8 up to serve his country. Even little Timmy is doing his part, collecting scrap9 metal. Nice work, Timmy!
Man: Who cares? Play the movie already!
Steven: Hey, you wanna show some respect?
Pre-movie trailer: Meanwhile, overseas, our brave boys are showing the Axis10 powers that the price of freedom is never too high.
Man: Let's go! Get on with it! Hey, just start the cartoon!
Steven: Hey, you wanna shut up?
Man: You just don't know when to give up, do you?
Steven: I can do this all day.
Barnes: Hey! Pick on someone your own size. Sometimes I think you like getting punched.
Steven: I had him on the ropes.
Barnes: How many times is this? You're from Paramus now? You know it's illegal to lie on the enlistment12 form. And seriously, Jersey13?
Steven: You get your orders?
Steven: I should be going.
Barnes: Come on, man. My last night! I got to get you cleaned up.
Steven: Why? Where are we going?
Barnes: The future. I don't see what the problem is. You're about to be the last eligible5 man in New York. You know there's three and a half million women here?
Steven: Well, I'd settle for just one.
Barnes: Good thing I took care of that.
Girl: Hey, Bucky!
Steven: What'd you tell her about me?
Barnes: Only the good stuff.
Broadcaster: Welcome to the Modern Marvels16 Pavilion and the World of Tomorrow. A greater world. A better world.
Girl: Oh, my God! It's starting!
Audience: I love you, Howard!
Stark: Ladies and gentlemen, what if I told you that in just a few short years, your automobile18 won't even have to touch the ground at all? Yes. Thanks, Mandy. With Stark Gravitic Reversion Technology you'll be able to do just that.
Barnes: Holy cow.
Stark: I did say a few years, didn't I?
Barnes: Hey, Steve, what do you say we treat these girls...
Girl: Come on, soldier.
Barnes: Come on. You're kind of missing the point of a double date. We're taking the girls dancing.
Steven: You go ahead. I'll catch up with you.
Barnes: You're really going to do this again?
Steven: Well, it's a fair. I'm gonna try my luck.
Barnes: As who, Steve from Ohio? They'll catch you. Or worse, they'll actually take you.
Steven: Look, I know you don't think I can do this.
Steven: I know it's a war.
Barnes: Why are you so keen to fight? There are so many important jobs.
Barnes: Yes. Why not?
Steven: I'm not gonna sit in a factory, Bucky. Bucky, come on. There are men laying down their lives. I got no right to do any less than them. That's what you don't understand. This isn't about me.
Barnes: Right. 'Cause you got nothing to prove.
Girl: Hey, Sarge! Are we going dancing?
Barnes: Yes, we are. Don't do anything stupid until I get back.
Steven: How can I? You're taking all the stupid with you.
Barnes: You're a punk.
Steven: Jerk. Be careful. Don't win the war till I get there!
Barnes: Come on, girls. They're playing our song.
Doctor: Wait here.
Steven: Is there a problem?
Doctor: Just wait here.
Steven: Excuse me?
Dr Erskine: Dr Abraham Erskine. I represent the Strategic Scientific Reserve.
Steven: Steve Rogers. Where are you from?
Dr Erskine: Queens. 73rd Street and Utopia Parkway. Before that, Germany. This troubles you?
Steven: No.
Dr Erskine: Where are you from, Mr Rogers? Is it New Haven22? Or Paramus? Five exams in five different cities.
Steven: That might not be the right file.
Dr Erskine: No, it's not the exams I'm interested in. It's the five tries. But you didn't answer my question. Do you want to kill Nazis?
Steven: Is this a test?
Dr Erskine: Yes.
Dr Erskine: Well, there are already so many big men fighting this war. Maybe what we need now is a little guy. I can offer you a chance. Only a chance.
Steven: I'll take it.
Dr Erskine: Good. So where is the little guy from? Actually?
Steven: Brooklyn.
Dr Erskine: Congratulations, soldier.
妙语佳句 活学活用
1. think twice: 重新考虑;三思。
2. mustard gas: 芥子气,是一种毒害作用巨大的化学战剂,用于制造毒气弹。芥子气毒剂最早在一战中应用。
3. infantry: 步兵(部队);步兵团。
4. TB: tuberculosis24 结核病
5. ward: 病房。
6. ineligible: 无被选资格的。
7. ravage: 蹂躏;劫掠。
8. punch: 用拳猛击。
9. on the ropes: 濒于失败,即将完蛋,处于困境。例如:The right political forces seemed to be on the ropes.(右派政治力量看上去要垮了。)
10. Sergeant: 中士。
11. I'd settle for just one: 只要有一个我就满足了。settle for还有“将就,只好如此”的意思。例如:settle for being a housewife(只好做家庭主妇)。
12. Holy cow: <感叹词>我的天啊。
13. miss the point: 不得要领,没抓住要点,不懂妙处。
14. double date: <美口>两对男女一起的约会(或出游)。
15. back alley: 街后窄巷。back alley news指的是“小道消息”。
16. lay down one's lives: 献出生命。
17. punk: 不中用的人,废物。这是巴恩斯对朋友斯蒂芬戏谑的称呼。
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