日期:2012-07-18 Can you tell me what fish net is made, Ann? A lot of little holes tied together with strings. replied the little girl. 你能告诉我鱼网是什么做的吗,安?老师发问道。 把许多小孔用绳子栓在一起就成了鱼网了。小女孩回答道。... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-07-10 Boy, why have you got cotton-wool in your ear? Is it infected? No, sir, but you said yesterday that everything you told me went in one ear and out the other, so I am trying to stop it. 孩子,你为什么用棉花塞住耳朵?它感染了吗? 没有,老师。可是你昨... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-07-10 A teacher said to her class: Who was the first man? George Washington, a little boy shouted promptly. How do you make out that George Washington was the first man? asked the teacher, smiling indulgently. Because, said the little boy, he was first in... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-07-10 Harry was given two apples, a small one and a large one, by his Mum. Share them with your sister, she said. So Harry gave the small one to his little sister and started touching into the large one. Cor! said his sister, If Mum had given them to me I... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-06-26 Our son, at age of five, had a fascination for motorcycles. The sight of one would always bring forth squeals(长声尖叫) of delight, accompanied by excited remarks of Look at that! Look at that! I'm going to have one of those someday, his dad's res... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-06-21 Mom: Which banana do you want, Victor? Victor: I want that one of the greatest. Mom: Victor, you should be polite, to have that little one. Victor: Mom, I must lie to be polite? 妈妈:你要哪一只香蕉,维克多? 维克多:我要那只最大的。 妈妈:维克多,... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-06-12 A fourth-grade teacher was giving her pupils a lesson on logic. Here is the situation, she said. A man is standing up in a boat in the middle of a river, fishing. He loses his balance, falls in, and begins splashing and yelling for help. His wife he... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-06-01 Creighton was going along a West End square when he saw a little fellow trying to reach the knocker of a large house. Can't you reach up so high? queried the Bishop kindly. No, sir, said the small youngster. Well, then, let me help you, and the Bish... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-05-15 Will and Bill were quarrelling about whose father was the stronger. Will said, Well, you know the Pacific Ocean ? My father's the one who dug the hole for it. Bill wasn't impressed, Well, that's nothing. You know the Dead Sea ? My father's the one w... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-05-15 Returning from a golf outing(远足,短途旅行) , my husband was greeted at the door by Sara, our four-year-old daughter. Daddy, who won the golf game? You or Uncle Richie? Uncle Richie and I don't play golf to win, my husband hedged(避免作正面答复... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-05-15 Gerald, asked the teacher, what is the shape of the earth? It's round, answered Gerald. How do you know it's round? continued the teacher. All right, it's square then, he replied, I really don't feel like getting into an argument about it! 杰拉尔德... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-05-09 Mother asked her little boy, Darling, what did the teacher teach you today? Nothing, Mum, answered the son proundly, instead, she asked me how much one plus two was, and I told her three.... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-04-27 Father: Well, Tom, I asked to your teacher today, and now I want to ask you a question. Who is the laziest person in your class? Tom: I don't know, father. Father: Oh, yes, you do! Think! When other boys and girls are doing and writing, who sits in... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-04-18 Teacher: Here are two birds, one is a swallow, the other is sparrow. Now who can tell us which is which? Student: I cannot point out but I know the answer. Teacher: Please tell us. Student: The swallow is beside the sparrow and the sparrow is beside... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-04-18 Can you tell me what fish net is made, Ann? A lot of little holes tied together with strings, replied the little girl. 你能告诉我鱼网是什么做的吗,安? 老师发问道。 把许多小孔用绳子栓在一起就成了鱼网了,小女孩回答道。... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-04-18 Teacher: Why do we sometimes call the Middle Ages the Dark Ages? Betty: Because they had so many knights. 老师:为什么有时我们称中世纪为黑暗时代呢? 贝蒂:因为那时有许多骑士。... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-03-21 Mr. Brown was reading his evening paper when there came a tremendous banging down the stairs. He jumped up, ran to the hall, and discovered his schoolboy son sprawled on the floor. Did you miss a step? asked his dad. No, I caught every blessed one!... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-03-21 The six-year-old John was terribly spoiled(被宠坏的) . His father knew it, but his grandma doted on him. He hardly left her side. And when he wanted anything, he either cried or threw a temper tantrum(乱发脾气) . Then came his first day of schoo... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-03-21 A teacher was trying to make use of her psychology courses. She started her class by saying, Everyone who thinks you're stupid, stand up! Little Johnny then stood up. The teacher said, Do you think you're stupid, Johnny? No, ma'am, but I hate to see... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-03-21 A lady lost her handbag. It was found by an honest little boy and returned to her. Looking in her purse, she commented, Hmmm.... That's funny. When I lost my bag there was a $20 bill in it. Now there are twenty $1 bills. The boy quickly replied, Tha... 阅读全文>>

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