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1. Hearing from our correspondent that you are looking for an agent in this city, we are pleased to apply for the post. 2. Having heard that you are about to ship wine to this country, we offer our services as agents in Japan. 3. We are willing to push the trade in your machines, and hope you will give us the sole agency for our place. 4. We herewith take the liberty to offer you our services as forwarding agents in this port, hoping to be favoured with your esteemed2 commands in the near future. 5. At the instance of several persons of influence in this quarter, I am induced to make application for an agency of your company. 6. Should I have th honour to be appointed your agent, I shall be prepared to give satisfactory security, either in this province or in England. 7. A highly respectable and influential3 house in Osaka, with whom we are connected, lately intimated to us their wish to obtain the agency of a London Assurance Office. 8. We should feel obliged, therefore, by your acquainting us, as early as may be convenient, whether your company either have or are disirous of having an agent here. 9. Our bankers, the Yokihama Bank, will give you particulars of our financial position as an agency, and we shall be pleased to furnish any information which you may require. 10. We have for some years been the agents of several manufacturers in America, giving them complete satisfaction, and are, therefore, qualified4 to act in this capacity. 1、从顾客处获悉,贵公司拟在本市寻找代理。我们特申请担任这项工作,请酌定。 2、得悉贵公司准备到我国销售葡萄酒,请指定本公司为你司在日本的总代理。 3、我们希望为贵公司拓销机械,请将你司在本地的独家代理赋予敝公司为盼。 4、我司希望成为你司在本港的运输代理,请早日赐予为荷。 5、经本地数名有影响人士的劝说,我公司愿当贵公司的代理。 6、如能成为贵公司的代理,当不胜荣幸。无论在本省还是在英国,本人都能提供满意的服务。 7、我司在大阪的来往客户中,有一客户较有声望,且实力雄厚,最近向我司表示,愿意充当伦敦保险公司的代理。 8、特函查询,贵公司在本地有无代理,有无设立代理的意向,如能早日告知,当不甚感谢。 9、本公司作为代理,有关我的财务情况,请向我业务往来银行横滨银行查询。若有其他进一步要求,本公司定当尽力满足。 10、本公司多年来曾担任美国数家制造厂的代理,都出色完成所赋予的任务,自信有此资格 点击 ![]()
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