US President Bush
US President George W. Bush concedes he is not popular, and that the war in Iraq is not either. Yes, progress is overdue1 and patience is all but gone. Yet none of that changes his view that more US troops are needed to win in Iraq.
"I'm not going to try to be popular and change principles to do so," Bush said in a television interview that was aired on Sunday night.
Bush and Vice-President Dick Cheney say they will not budge2 from sending more US troops to Iraq no matter how much Congress opposes it.
"I fully3 understand they could try to stop me," Bush said of the Democrat-run Congress. "But I've made my decision, and we're going forward."
As the president talked tough, lawmakers pledged to explore ways to stop him.
A defiant4 Cheney, meanwhile, said Democrats5 offered criticism without credible6 alternatives. He pointedly7 reminded lawmakers that Bush is commander in chief.
"You cannot run a war by committee," the vice-president said of congressional input8.