日期:2024-02-23 III The manservant, Rogers, had been moistening his lips and twisting his hands. He said now in a low deferential voice: If I might just say a word, sir. Lombard said: Go ahead, Rogers. Rogers cleared his throat and passed his tongue once more over... 阅读全文>>

日期:2024-02-23 II Vera Claythorne spoke in a trembling voice. She said: Id like to tell you. About that childCyril Hamilton. I was nursery governess to him. He was forbidden to swim out far. One day, when my attention was distracted, he started off. I swam after h... 阅读全文>>

日期:2024-02-23 Four I T here was a moments silence. A silence of dismay and bewilderment. Then the judges small clear voice took up the thread once more. We will now proceed to the next stage of our inquiry. First however, I will just add my own credentials to the... 阅读全文>>

日期:2024-02-23 III General Macarthur broke out suddenly. He exclaimed: The whole thing is preposterouspreposterous! Slinging accusations about like this! Something must be done about it. This fellow Owen whoever he is Emily Brent interrupted. She said sharply: Tha... 阅读全文>>

日期:2024-02-23 II The voice had stopped. There was a moments petrified silence and then a resounding crash! Rogers had dropped the coffee tray! At the same moment, from somewhere outside the room there came a scream and the sound of a thud. Lombard was the first t... 阅读全文>>

日期:2024-02-23 Three I D inner was drawing to a close. The food had been good, the wine perfect. Rogers waited well. Every one was in better spirits. They had begun to talk to each other with more freedom and intimacy. Mr. Justice Wargrave, mellowed by the excelle... 阅读全文>>

日期:2024-02-23 XII In her bedroom, Emily Brent, dressed in black silk ready for dinner, was reading her Bible. Her lips moved as she followed the words: The heathen are sunk down in the pit that they made: in the net which they hid is their own foot taken. The Lor... 阅读全文>>

日期:2024-02-23 XI As the gong sounded, Philip Lombard came out of his room and walked to the head of the stairs. He moved like a panther, smoothly and noiselessly. There was something of the panther about him altogether. A beast of preypleasant to the eye. He was... 阅读全文>>

日期:2024-02-23 X General Macarthur was frowning to himself. Damn it all, the whole thing was deuced odd! Not at all what hed been led to expect. For two pins hed make an excuse and get away Throw up the whole business. But the motorboat had gone back to the mainla... 阅读全文>>

日期:2024-02-23 IX Mr. Blore was tying his tie. He wasnt very good at this sort of thing. Did he look all right? He supposed so. Nobody had been exactly cordial to him Funny the way they all eyed each otheras though they knew. Well, it was up to him. He didnt mean... 阅读全文>>

日期:2024-02-23 VIII Anthony Marston was in his bath. He luxuriated in the steaming water. His limbs had felt cramped after his long drive. Very few thoughts passed through his head. Anthony was a creature of sensationand of action. He thought to himself: Must go t... 阅读全文>>

日期:2024-02-23 VII Mr. Justice Wargrave thought to himself: Armstrong? Remember him in the witness-box. Very correct and cautious. All doctors are damned fools. Harley Street ones are the worst of the lot. And his mind dwelt malevolently on a recent interview he h... 阅读全文>>

日期:2024-02-23 VI Dr. Armstrong came to Soldier Island just as the sun was sinking into the sea. On the way across he had chatted to the boatmana local man. He was anxious to find out a little about these people who owned Soldier Island, but the man Narracott seem... 阅读全文>>

日期:2024-02-23 V Vera had followed Mrs. Rogers upstairs. The woman had thrown open a door at the end of a passage and Vera had walked into a delightful bedroom with a big window that opened wide upon the sea and another looking east. She uttered a quick exclamatio... 阅读全文>>

日期:2024-02-23 IV The boat churned its way round the rock. Now at last the house came into view. The south side of the island was quite different. It shelved gently down to the sea. The house was there facing southlow and square and modern looking with rounded win... 阅读全文>>

日期:2024-02-23 III Fred Narracott sat by the engine thinking to himself that this was a queer lot. Not at all his idea of what Mr. Owens guests were likely to be. Hed expected something altogether more classy. Togged up women and gentlemen in yachting costume and... 阅读全文>>

日期:2024-02-23 II They came up over a steep hill and down a zigzag track to Sticklehavena mere cluster of cottages with a fishing boat or two drawn up on the beach. Illuminated by the setting sun, they had their first glimpse of Soldier Island jutting up out of th... 阅读全文>>

日期:2024-02-23 Two I O utside Oakbridge station a little group of people stood in momentary uncertainty. Behind them stood porters with suitcases. One of these called, Jim! The driver of one of the taxis stepped forward. Youm for Soldier Island, maybe? he asked in... 阅读全文>>

日期:2024-02-23 VIII Mr. Blore was in the slow train from Plymouth. There was only one other person in his carriage, an elderly seafaring gentleman with a bleary eye. At the present moment he had dropped off to sleep. Mr. Blore was writing carefully in a little not... 阅读全文>>

日期:2024-02-23 VII Tony Marston, roaring down into Mere, thought to himself: The amount of cars crawling about the roads is frightful. Always something blocking your way. And they will drive in the middle of the road! Pretty hopeless driving in England, anyway. No... 阅读全文>>

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