日期:2024-02-23 VI The house was easily searched. They went through the few out-buildings first and then turned their attention to the building itself. Mrs. Rogers yard measure discovered in the kitchen dresser assisted them. But there were no hidden spaces left un... 阅读全文>>

日期:2024-02-23 V When Blore returned from the house with a rope coiled over his arm, he found Armstrong where he had left him staring down into the depths. Blore said breathlessly: Wheres Mr. Lombard? Armstrong said carelessly: Gone to test some theory or other. H... 阅读全文>>

日期:2024-02-23 IV Vera had been restless all the morning. She had avoided Emily Brent with a kind of shuddering aversion. Miss Brent herself had taken a chair just round the corner of the house so as to be out of the wind. She sat there knitting. Every time Vera t... 阅读全文>>

日期:2024-02-23 III The search of the island was practically completed. The three men stood on the highest point looking over towards the mainland. There were no boats out. The wind was freshening. Lombard said: No fishing boats out. Theres a storm coming. Damned n... 阅读全文>>

日期:2024-02-23 II The three men started on their tour of the island. It proved unexpectedly simple. On the northwest side, towards the coast, the cliffs fell sheer to the sea below, their surface unbroken. On the rest of the island there were no trees and very lit... 阅读全文>>

日期:2024-02-23 Eight I B lore was easily roped in. He expressed immediate agreement with their arguments. What youve said about those china figures, sir, makes all the difference. Thats crazy, that is! Theres only one thing. You dont think this Owens idea might be... 阅读全文>>

日期:2024-02-23 III Dr. Armstrong drew a deep breath. And Mrs. Rogers? Lombard said slowly: I could believe in Anthonys suicide (with difficulty) if it werent for Mrs. Rogers. I could believe in Mrs. Rogers suicide (easily) if it werent for Anthony Marston. I can b... 阅读全文>>

日期:2024-02-23 II Dr. Armstrong came out of the dining room and once more came out on the terrace. The judge was sitting in a chair now, gazing placidly out to sea. Lombard and Blore were over to the left, smoking but not talking. As before, the doctor hesitated f... 阅读全文>>

日期:2024-02-23 Seven I A fter breakfast, Emily Brent had suggested to Vera Claythorne that they should walk to the summit again and watch for the boat. Vera had acquiesced. The wind had freshened. Small white crests were appearing on the sea. There were no fishing... 阅读全文>>

日期:2024-02-23 IV Dr. Armstrong came out on to the terrace. He stood there hesitating. To his left were Blore and Lombard. To his right was Wargrave, slowly pacing up and down, his head bent down. Armstrong, after a moment of indecision, turned towards the latter.... 阅读全文>>

日期:2024-02-23 III On the terrace outside Philip Lombard said: About this motorboat Blore looked at him. Blore nodded his head. He said: I know what youre thinking, Mr. Lombard. Ive asked myself the same question. Motorboat ought to have been here nigh on two hour... 阅读全文>>

日期:2024-02-23 II When the gong sounded for breakfast at nine oclock it found everyone up and awaiting the summons. General Macarthur and the judge had been pacing the terrace outside, exchanging desultory comments on the political situation. Vera Claythorne and P... 阅读全文>>

日期:2024-02-23 VI Vera Claythorne lay in bed, wide awake, staring up at the ceiling. The light beside her was on. She was frightened of the dark. She was thinking: Hugo Hugo Why do I feel youre so near to me tonight? Somewhere quite close. Where is he really? I do... 阅读全文>>

日期:2024-02-23 Six I D r. Armstrong was dreaming. It was very hot in the operating room. Surely theyd got the temperature too high? The sweat was rolling down his face. His hands were clammy. Difficult to hold the scalpel firmly. How beautifully sharp it was. Easy... 阅读全文>>

日期:2024-02-23 V General Macarthur tossed from side to side. Sleep would not come to him. In the darkness he kept seeing Arthur Richmonds face. Hed liked Arthurhed been damned fond of Arthur. Hed been pleased that Leslie liked him too. Leslie was so capricious. Lo... 阅读全文>>

日期:2024-02-23 IV Downstairs in the dining room, Rogers stood puzzled. He was staring at the china figures in the centre of the table. He muttered to himself: Thats a rum go! I could have sworn there were ten of them. 4 罗杰斯一脸疑惑地站在楼下的餐厅里。 他瞪着桌... 阅读全文>>

日期:2024-02-23 III In his pleasant softly tinted room, Mr. Justice Wargrave removed his garments and prepared himself for bed. He was thinking about Edward Seton. He remembered Seton very well. His fair hair, his blue eyes, his habit of looking you straight in the... 阅读全文>>

日期:2024-02-23 II They had left it like that. What else was there to say? Together Armstrong and Lombard had carried the inert body of Anthony Marston to his bedroom and had laid him there covered over with a sheet. When they came downstairs again, the others were... 阅读全文>>

日期:2024-02-23 Five I I t was so sudden and so unexpected that it took every ones breath away. They remained stupidly staring at the crumpled figure on the ground. Then Dr. Armstrong jumped up and went over to him, kneeling beside him. When he raised his head his... 阅读全文>>

日期:2024-02-23 IV There was a silence in the room. Everybody was looking, covertly or openly, at Emily Brent. It was a minute or two before she became aware of the expectation. Her eyebrows rose on her narrow forehead. She said: Are you waiting for me to say somet... 阅读全文>>

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