• child abduction alert system 防儿童走失系统

    15-06-26 China's first child abduction alert system , which will close all the exits of a building for 10 minutes to search for missing children, came into force in Nanjing, capital city of Jiangsu province, on June 1. 6月1日,全国首个防儿童走失系统在江苏南...

  • 美国传教士被海地以诱拐儿童罪起诉

    10-02-05 Haiti has charged 10 US missionaries with child abduction and criminal conspiracy for allegedly trying to smuggle 33 children out of the country. 10名美国传教士试图带领33名海地儿童偷渡出国,因此被海地法院以诱拐儿童和阴谋犯罪的罪名起诉。 The missiona...
