• FBI对不端性行为员工处罚不当

    22-10-14 据美国《国会山报》10月7日报道,一名举报人声称,665名联邦调查局(FBI)雇员为逃避纪律处分,在接受行为不端调查后退休或辞职。该匿名举报人向艾奥瓦州参议员查克格拉斯利提供了一份司法部内部报告。报告显示了在2004年至2020年间FBI雇员的离职记录,其中包括45名高...

  • pigging 涮猪

    22-10-10 这年头谈恋爱要当心被骗财骗色,也要当心被当猪耍。这是一种玩弄感情的残忍手段,一旦落入圈套,你可能又破财又失身,到头来还被对方嘲笑羞辱一番。 Pigging is a cruel new dating trend that borders on emotional abuse. Men deliberately target women they find u...

  • 苹果将检查iCloud中有无虐童照片

    21-08-11 苹果公司8月9日表示,如果iPhone用户将照片存储到iCloud服务,苹果会进行检查,查看上传内容中有无虐童的照片。谷歌、微软等科技公司也会检查用户上传的照片和电子邮件附件,与全美失踪和受虐儿童中心及其它机构的数据库进行比较,安全专家认为苹果的做法侵入性更强。...

  • 童年痛苦的人更容易有创造力和艺术天分

    18-05-19 Performing artists who were exposed to abuse, neglect or a dysfunctional family as a child might experience their creative process more intensely, according to a new long-term study that has found a link between the two. 一项长期研究发现,表演艺术家...

  • 印度部长发放打夫棒 遏制家暴

    17-05-07 India has traditionally grappled with the problem of domestic abuse that women face at the hands of their menfolk. Despite most cases going unreported, over 113,400 such incidents were recorded in 2015. 一直以来,印度都在努力解决女性面临的丈夫家暴问...

  • school bullying 校园欺凌

    16-05-31 The campaign aims to curb school bullying in primary and middle schools, including physical and verbal bullying. Cyberspace bullying will also be targeted. 此次治理意在遏制发生在中小学学生之间通过肢体、语言以及网络等手段实施的校园欺凌。 校园欺凌(sc...

  • 中国发布幼儿园管理法修订版

    16-03-02 New revisions connected to kindergartens in China have been released, including clauses covering abuse and children's safety. 中国新修订的幼儿园管理法已经发布,其中包括虐待儿童以及儿童安全的相关条款。 The revised regulations stipulate that any abuse...

  • 伍迪·艾伦的养女称曾被其性侵

    14-03-07 The adopted daughter of Woody Allen has renewed claims the filmmaker sexually abused her as a child in 1992. 伍迪艾伦的养女重新发表声明,称伍迪艾伦曾在1992年对她进行性侵,当时她还是个孩子。 In an open letter, Dylan Farrow accuses Mr Allen of molesti...