• 孕烯醇酮可保护大脑免于大麻影响

    14-01-05 Two INSERM research teams led by Pier Vincenzo Piazza and Giovanni Marsicano (INSERM Unit 862 Neurocentre Magendie in Bordeaux) recently discovered that pregnenolone(孕烯醇酮) , a molecule produced by the brain, acts as a natural defence mechanism...

  • 韩国将立法打击网游成瘾

    13-12-20 South Korea's parliament is considering a law that would classify online gaming as potentially antisocial addiction alongside gambling, drugs and alcohol. 韩国议会拟通过一项法律,将网络游戏与赌博、吸毒和酗酒一并列入潜在反社会上瘾症。 The bill has wo...

  • 清除甚至改写记忆或将成为可能

    13-12-01 Now, a handful of studies have shown that we're on the verge of erasing and even rewriting memories. The hope is that this research will lead to medical treatments, especially for addiction and post-traumatic stress disorder. 现有研究显示清除甚至改...

  • 食物上瘾的观点纯属无稽之谈

    13-11-03 It seems like everything can make us addicted these days. Our iPhones. The internet. Oreos. But just because something is pleasurable and causes a relevant reward area of your brain to light up does not mean that it is addictive. 最近,好像所有事物...

  • FOMO 社交控

    13-05-21 We're now all in the grip of FOMO addiction the fear of missing out on something or someone more interesting, exciting or better than what we're currently doing. 我们现在都是社交控(FOMO:fear of missing out),在忙于眼前事的时候,总是害怕会错过更有...

  • 心理学家通过打屁股戒毒

    13-01-10 西伯利亚一位心理学家在2004年的时候研究出用棍子打屁股的方法来帮助瘾君子们戒除毒瘾。他表示,到目前为止,他已经成功帮助1000多名患者解除痛苦,其中有毒瘾患者,也有嗜酒成瘾、工作成瘾以及有性瘾的患者。 Siberian psychologist Dr German Pilipenko started prac...

  • 协同照护对阿片上瘾病人有特效

    11-03-15 Researchers from Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM) have found that for the majority of patients with opioid(类鸦片) addiction, collaborative care with nurse care managers is a successful method of service delivery while effectively utili...

  • 研究:无节制饮食与毒瘾有相同的成瘾机制

    10-03-29 In a newly published study, scientists from The Scripps Research Institute have shown for the first time that the same molecular(分子的) mechanisms that drive people into drug addiction are behind the compulsion(强迫,强制) to overeat, pushing p...

  • 网瘾 Internet addiction

    09-08-30 据中国广播网的消息,国家卫生部决定在年内公布网瘾诊治标准。目前初步认定每周上网40小时以上即可认为是网瘾,一时间在网瘾界定上引起了广泛争议。 请看相关报道: The treatment standard will list those who surf online for more than 40 hours per week as Inter...

  • 电击疗法 shock therapy/treatment

    09-07-29 卫生部近日发布《关于停止电刺激(或电休克)治疗网瘾技术临床应用的通知》,对近期各地出现的网瘾电击疗法做出暂不宜应用于临床的研究结论,要求各地立即停止该项治疗。 请看相关报道: China has banned the use of shock therapy to treat Internet addiction after i...