• 飞机舷窗为何是圆形的

    20-11-08 While not everyone will have pondered the subject while staring out of the window during a flight, the question as to why aeroplanes have circular windows rather than square ones is interesting. 虽然不是每个人都会在飞行中凝视窗外的时候思索一个问题:...

  • 09年航空业交易“近10年来最低”

    10-02-22 The value of mergers and acquisitions activity in the aerospace and defence industry hit its lowest level in a decade in 2009, a report suggests. 一份报告显示,2009年航空和国防工业的合并与收购使其总产值跌至近10年以来的最低点。 Defence and airline sp...
