• 科学家在缅甸发现一块化石鸟琥珀

    20-02-11 An international team led by a Chinese paleontologist in Myanmar discovered a large ancient bird from the Cretaceous period and preserved in amber, the team announced on Monday. 由一位中国古生物学家带领的一支国际团队在缅甸发现一只白垩纪时期的大型古...

  • 1亿年历史的琥珀中发现长尾蜘蛛

    18-02-06 Two teams of Chinese scientists have begun study of a species of spider with a long tail, which is found in amber at least 100 million years old. 两组中国科学家开始研究一种长长尾巴的蜘蛛,这种蜘蛛在一块至少1亿年历史的琥珀中被发现。 The Chimerarachne...

  • 中国蚊子琥珀出现在波罗的海附近

    14-07-31 The analysis of the roughly 3,000 pieces is still in its infant stage. But it is already evident that the results will be of major significance. Amazingly often, we are finding-in addition to Asian forms-the same insect species in Fushun amber that...

  • 琥珀中那已经遗失的世界

    14-07-31 Scientists are searching through a massive collection of 20-million-year-old amber found in the Dominican Republic more than 50 years ago, and the effort is yielding fresh insights into ancient tropical insects and the world they inhabited. When the...

  • 莱姆病的存世比人类更久远

    14-06-03 Lyme disease is a stealthy(鬼鬼祟祟的) , often misdiagnosed disease that was only recognized about 40 years ago, but new discoveries of ticks fossilized in amber show that the bacteria which cause it may have been lurking around for 15 million yea...

  • 科学家发现最古老的节肢动物琥珀

    12-08-29 An international team of scientists has discovered the oldest record of arthropods(节肢动物) -- invertebrate(无脊椎的) animals that include insects, arachnids, and crustaceans -- preserved in amber(琥珀) . The specimens, one fly and two mites...

  • 印度发现大批琥珀

    10-10-27 Those who are proud to have a piece of amber(湖泊) that holds a little animal trapped in it maybe should not continue to read this. For what can be seen in the millions of years-old tree resin(树脂,松香) is almost always just a paper-thin faade...
