• 猎豹有独特的捕猎技巧

    13-09-06 A new research study has revealed that the cheetah(猎豹) , the world's fastest land animal, matches and may even anticipate the escape tactics of different prey when hunting, rather than just relying on its speed and agility(敏捷) as previously...

  • 冈瓦那发现最古老的陆生动物化石

    13-09-04 A postdoctoral fellow from Wits University has discovered the oldest known land-living animal from Gondwana in a remote part of the Eastern Cape. Dr Robert Gess, from the Evolutionary Studies Institute at Wits, discovered the 350 million year old fo...

  • 美洲大陆首次发现食肉性浣熊属动物

    13-08-16 Observed in the wild, tucked away in museum collections, and even exhibited in zoos around the world -- there is one mysterious creature that has been a victim of mistaken identity for more than 100 years. A team of Smithsonian scientists, however,...

  • 强劲的动物追踪系统有利于科学研究

    13-07-05 Call it a bird's eye view of migration. Scientists are taking a fresh look at animal movement with a big data approach that combines GPS tracking data with satellite weather and terrain information. The new Environmental-Data Automated Track Annotat...

  • 入侵性苍蝇不断挺进美国中西部

    13-07-03 The local discovery of a species of fly not native to the Midwest could have significant implications on forensic investigations involving decomposing remains, according to a forensic biology researcher at Indiana University-Purdue University Indian...

  • 鼠狐猴性格各不相同

    13-06-19 Anyone who has ever owned a pet will tell you that it has a unique personality. Yet only in the last 10 years has the study of animal personality started to gain ground with behavioral ecologists, said Jennifer Verdolin of the National Evolutionary...

  • 人类语言进化与鸟鸣声

    13-02-24 The sounds uttered by birds offer in several respects the nearest analogy(类似) to language, Charles Darwin wrote in The Descent of Man (1871), while contemplating how humans learned to speak. Language, he speculated, might have had its origins in...

  • 霸气“喵星人”200英里徒步返家 历时八周

    13-02-03 Holly the cat has become an internet sensation, mystified animal experts [and used up an unknown number of her nine lives] by trekking 200 miles home after disappearing on a family road trip eight weeks earlier. 神猫霍莉近日走红网络,也令动物学家大...

  • 研究人员成功将鱼的思想可视化

    13-02-01 For the first time, researchers have been able to see a thought swim through the brain of a living fish. The new technology is a useful tool for studies of perception. It might even find use in psychiatric drug discovery, according to authors of the...

  • wolf-like animal 疑似狼动物

    13-01-14 A wolf-like animal was shot dead in Zoucheng, Shandong province, on March 26, the latest development in a series of local wolf hunts. 3月26日,一只疑似狼的动物在山东省邹城市被警方击毙。这是近期捕狼事件中被击毙的又一只疑似狼。 文中的wolf-like animal...