• 120730号小行星命名为“周又元星”

    19-04-22 An asteroid has been named after leading Chinese astrophysicist Zhou Youyuan, with approval from the International Astronomical Union (IAU), the China Science Daily reported Monday. 一颗小行星经国际天文联合会批准以中国天体物理学家周又元的名字命名。...

  • 中国FAST射电望远镜2019将投入使用

    18-09-17 Chinas 500-meter aperture spherical radio telescope or FAST is expected to be put into use for Chinese astronomers next year, announced Chinese astronomer Li Di from Chinese Academy of Science on Saturday. 中科院天文学家李迪周六宣布,中国的500米球面...

  • 天文学家发现一颗形似彗星的小行星

    13-11-08 Astronomers using the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope have observed a unique and baffling(令人困惑的) object in the asteroid(小行星) belt that looks like a rotating lawn sprinkler(洒水车) or badminton shuttlecock. While this object is on an as...
