• At Auction Fair 拍卖会上

    12-06-12 At auction spot, someone has lost a bag, in which has the vital document. The owner says, Once who picked it up brings it to me, I will take out 200 dollars to remunerate reward him or her. On hearing the news, another chap(小伙子,家伙) shouts ou...

  • 美国最小城镇比福德被拍卖

    12-04-06 A town billed as the smallest in the US has sold at auction for $900,000. 美国一个号称国内最小的城镇以90万美元的价格被拍卖。 At one time Buford had a population of about 2,000 Two unidentified Vietnamese men placed the winning bid for Buford, in the...

  • 梦露性爱影片拍卖未成交

    11-08-09 There were no buyers Sunday at the auction of a 1940s stag film that an events promoter claims shows an underage Marilyn Monroe having sex before she became a movie star. 上周日,上世纪40年代的一部性爱影片公开拍卖,活动发起人声称这是未成年的玛丽莲梦...

  • 梦露成名前所拍性爱短片将被拍卖

    11-07-30 一支据称是已故性感女神玛丽莲梦露成名前所拍的性爱短片将于下月公开拍卖,底价50万美元。 A Spanish collector plans to auction what he claims is a rare film of Marilyn Monroe shot when she was still an underage actress known as Norma Jean Baker. A Spanis...

  • 梦露经典“地铁裙”552万美元被拍卖

    11-06-25 An auction of actress Debbie Reynolds' Hollywood memorabilia earned $22.8 million over the weekend and included the record-breaking sale of Marilyn Monroe's iconic subway dress from 1955 movie The Seven Year Itch, organizers said on Monday. 拍卖会主...

  • “披头士”列侬用过的马桶被卖出高价

    10-09-05 上周六,披头士乐队已故成员约翰列侬生前使用过的一个马桶在拍卖会上拍得9500英镑(约合近1.5万美元)的高价。 A toilet that belonged to late Beatle John Lennon fetched 9,500 pounds ($14,740) at auction on Saturday. A toilet that belonged to late(已故的)...

  • 巴菲特拍卖午餐 筹集慈善资金

    10-05-22 Warren Buffett is again auctioning a steak lunch to benefit a San Francisco charity, after last year's bidding failed to generate a record bid for the first time since 2004. 股神沃伦巴菲特将再次拍卖慈善牛排午餐,为旧金山一家慈善机构筹集资金。去年,...

  • 毕加索油画卖出1.06亿美元天价

    10-05-05 A Pablo Picasso painting has set a new record for the most expensive art work sold at auction, fetching $106m (70m). 一副毕加索油画在拍卖会上刷新最昂贵的艺术品记录,成交额1.06亿美元。 The Brodys bought the painting in the 1950s The Spanish artist's...

  • 约翰·列侬手写体歌词将被拍卖

    10-04-30 John Lennon's handwritten lyrics to the Beatles song A Day in the Life are expected to make up to $700,000 (460,000) at auction. 约翰列侬为甲壳虫乐队创作的歌曲《A Day in the Life》的手写体歌词有望被拍卖到70万美元高价。 One side of the lyric sheet sh...

  • 世界地球日来临 绿色环保拍卖隆重举行

    10-04-24 Artists, conservationists, business leaders and film and music stars from around the globe are marking the 40th Anniversary of Earth Day with a Green Auction to benefit the environment. 在世界地球日40周年来临之际,来自世界各地的艺术家、环保主义者、...