• 微信语音里自己的声音为什么很难听?

    21-08-30 Have you ever had such an experience? When chatting on WeChat, you sent someone a voice message where you thought your voice was clear and moving, but when you heard your own recorded voice, you couldnt help wondering: Is this really my voice? Why i...

  • 里根总统向撒切尔夫人的道歉音频公布于众

    14-11-11 A new audio recording has been released connected to the US invasion of the Caribbean island of Grenada in 1983. 一段关于美国1983年入侵加勒比海岛国格林纳达的新录音已经公布于众。 The audio is a telephone call between then-US President Ronald Reagan a...

  • 基地组织放出本·拉登生前所录音频

    11-05-19 A recording purported to have been made by Osama Bin Laden shortly before he died has been released by al-Qaeda. 基地组织放出了奥萨马本拉登生前不久录制的音频。 In the message, he praises the revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt and speaks of a rare hist...

  • 披头士乐队1966年新闻发布会录音将被拍卖

    10-05-16 The only known audio recording of a 1966 Beatles press conference, in which John Lennon is grilled about saying the band was more popular than Jesus, is expected to sell for about $20,000 at auction in June. 1966年披头士乐队一次新闻发布会的唯一一份...

  • Audio labels speak to the blind 盲人标签阅读装置问世

    09-09-21 A device that allows blind people to attach and read audio labels on everyday objects has gone on show. 一种允许盲人听到日常生活用品上的文字的装置已经问世。 The PenFriend is able to store 70 hours of audio The PenFriend uses minute barcodes which -...
