• Bob's your uncle. 就这么简单!

    21-11-12 Bobs your uncle 什么意思? 就这么简单! its as simple as that ! Bobs your uncle是一句很有名的British slang(英国俚语)。 相传英国历史上有一位保守党首相叫做Rober Cecil(Robert的昵称就是Bob,不要问为什么,老外都是这么叫哒~),在他任职期间,多次安排他自...

  • Mansfield Park - Chapter 37

    21-05-07 Mr. Crawford gone, Sir Thomass next object was that he should be missed; and he entertained great hope that his niece would find a blank in the loss of those attentions which at the time she had felt, or fancied, an evil. She had tasted of consequen...

  • take after someone 外貌和性格与年长的家庭成员相像

    21-01-30 搭配 take after someone 用来表示 一个人与家中某个年长的成员在外貌、性格或行为上相似、相像。 例句 In looks, my sister takes after our mum, but shes much more similar to our dad in personality. 从外貌上看,我妹妹很像我们的妈妈,但她的性格更像我们的爸...

  • 我的阿姨是条蛇

    16-03-09 The old man longed for children. But he and his young wife had none, so he invited his nephew to live with them. This infuriated his wife, who had a vile temper. When her husband welcomed the young man with great affection, she turned pale with jeal...

  • An Open Heart

    15-09-21 My aunt Edith was a widow of 50, working as a secretary, when doctors discovered what was then thought to be a very serious heart ailment. Aunt Edith doesn't accept defeat easily. She began studying medical reports in the library and found an articl...

  • Pank 潘克族

    13-12-24 They're the latest must-have for any child who wants to get ahead. No, not a flashy toy or trendy gadget, but a Pank (professional aunt, no kids). 他们是孩子们引领潮流的最新必备品。他们不是耀眼的玩具或时髦的小玩意,他们是潘克族(没有孩子的职场阿姨)...

  • Three Feet

    13-09-16 Dotty(薄弱的,精神不定的) Aunt Muriel received a letter one morning. While reading it, she burst onto tears. What's the matter? asked her companion. Oh, dear, sobbed Auntie, it's my favourite nephew. He's got three feet. Three feet? exclaimed her...

  • Blueberry Cobbler Jam Recipe

    13-08-29 Of course, she wasn't really my aunt and, out of fear, I never called her that to her face. I only referred to her as My Aunt Fannie because the name always made my father chuckle and gave my mother cause to look sternly at both of us-at me for bein...

  • The Doors That Are Open to Us

    12-03-07 Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, the title of my speech today is The Doors That Are Open to Us. The other day my aunt paid me a visit. She was overjoyed. I got the highest mark in the mid-term examination! she said. Don't be surprised! My aunt is...

  • Pride and Prejudice - 7

    11-06-09 MR. BENNET'S property consisted almost entirely in an estate of two thousand a year, which, unfortunately for his daughters, was entailed, in default of heirs(继承人) male, on a distant relation; and their mother's fortune, though ample for her si...