• A Bat, Bramble and Cormorant

    14-12-11 A bat, a bramble and a cormorant entered into covenants with articles, to join stocks, and trade in partnership together. The bat's adventure was ready money that he took up at interest; the bramble's was in cloths; and the cormorant's in brass. The...

  • 科学家发现埃博拉病毒的源头

    14-08-29 一个由多国科学家组成的研究团队宣称找到此次埃博拉病毒大爆发的源头:一名2岁男孩被感染该病毒的果蝠叮咬。 The largest outbreak of the deadly disease Ebola was caused by an infected bat biting a toddler, say a group of international researchers. The 17-s...

  • The Bat and the Weasel

    14-02-24 Bat falling upon the ground was caught by a weasel, of whom he earnestly besought his life. The weasel refused, saying, that he was by nature the enemy of all birds. The bat assured him that he was not a bird, but a mouse, and thus saved his life. S...

  • The Birds,the Beasts and the Bat

    14-01-08 There was once a great battle between the birds and the beasts. The beasts won the battle. On their way home, one of the beasts met a bat. oh, you are a bird. I'll eat you up, said the beast. no, no, said the bat. I am not a bird. I am a mouse. Look...

  • 高隐秘机动性使花蜜蝙蝠可以捕食昆虫

    13-12-13 A nectar-feeding bat that was thought to eat insects in passing has been discovered to target its moving prey with stealth(秘密) precision, according to new research by a scientist at Queen Mary University of London. The researchers uncovered for...

  • A Bird and a Bat

    13-10-24 A bird is in a cage outside a window. She often sings at night when all other birds are asleep. One night a bat comes. He asks the bird, Why do you only sing at night? The bird says, Last year when I was singing in the daytime, a bird catcher heard...

  • 气候变化将改变印第安纳蝠的活动范围

    13-01-29 Research by U.S. Forest Service scientists forecasts profound changes over the next 50 years in the summer range of the endangered Indiana bat. In an article published in the journal Ecology and Evolution, Forest Service Southern Research Station re...

  • The history of ping-pong

    09-09-30 Ping-pong started as a friendly game, which was played for fun. No one knows who invented it. One story is that it started when two students at Cambridge University began knocking a cork to each other across a table, using old cigar-boxes. In about...

  • Three pastors 三个牧师的故事

    09-09-29 Three pastors Three pastors in the south were having lunch in a diner. One said, You know, since summer started Ive been having trouble with bats in my loft and attic at church. Ive tried everything----noise, spray, cats----nothing seems to scare th...

  • Squirrel seen savaging fruit bat 神秘事件:松鼠残杀大蝙蝠

    09-09-19 A bush squirrel collected 500m from the fatal incident A squirrel has been seen attempting to savage(野性的,凶猛的) a fruit bat to death. The bizarre(奇异的 ) incident was witnessed by zoologist Mr William Stanley, while he was conducting field...