• 舞者用舞步帮助英国格拉斯哥音乐场馆供电

    22-11-25 SWG3 is a huge warehouse which hosts major club nights. SWG3 是一间大型仓库,在夜间举办大型音乐休闲活动。 It claims to be the first in the world to use this type of heating and cooling system, and Ive managed to get exclusive access. 据称,这里是世...

  • 可数名词的用法

    22-11-10 英语中的可数名词通常指可以数的物体,但你知道如何在句子中辨别出可数名词吗?辨别可数名词的一个方法是看名词前是否有不定冠词a、an。做下面的六道题,看看你是否掌握了可数名词的用法。 1. Which one of these is a countable noun? a) water b) song c) money d) r...

  • 日本科学家设计新型遥控蟑螂机器人

    22-09-09 据《每日邮报》报道,科学家们以马达加斯加蟑螂为灵感,制造出一款新型遥控蟑螂机器人。这种机器人是蟑螂和机器人的混合体,无需充电,可进入危险区域进行环境监测或执行搜救援任务。 While it may sound like something that has crawled out of your nightmares, cyb...

  • 我国将推进充电桩和加氢站的建设

    22-07-20 近年来,我国新能源汽车保有量迅速增长,对于充电基础设施的需求随之增大。专家指出,政府推进新基建的政策措施将会带动充电产业的繁荣发展。 With more new energy vehicles on the road, Chinas development of charging infrastructure is on a fast track supporte...

  • 如何让手机电池性能保持最优

    22-03-03 你是不是习惯把手机电量充到100%或者是让手机连续充电一整夜?你可能没有意识到,这种做法其实正在缩短电池的寿命。如果不想让自己的手机电池早早报废,下面这些小贴士一定要记牢。 DONT: Burn out your battery 错误做法:屏幕常亮、频繁关闭应用、过冷过热 You might...

  • 手机充电

    22-02-21 美国人表达手机没电时,非常地道的一个句子是:My phone is dead.(我的手机死了,即没电了)。或者说:My cellphone battery is dead.再补充一点,My cellphone battery is dying.表示手机快没电了。 而要表达给手机充电时,他们会使用charge或者recharge。 我得给手...

  • range anxiety 里程焦虑

    20-09-26 Range anxiety is the fear that a vehicle has insufficient range to reach its destination and would thus strand the vehicles occupants. The term, which is primarily used in reference to battery electric vehicles (BEVs), is considered to be one of the...