• 报告:苹果夸大XR电池续航51%

    19-05-06 A UK-based consumer advocacy group Which? said in its report that Apples latest smartphone iPhone XR lasted 16 hours and 32 minutes, much lower than the companys promised 25 hours. 英国一家拥护者团体Which?在其报告中指出,苹果最新款智能手机iPhone XR...

  • 吉利与宁德时代合资建电池厂

    18-12-25 Chinese carmaker Geely Automobile Holdings Limited has reached an agreement to set up a battery joint venture with the countrys leading lithium battery producer Contemporary Amperex Technology Co. Limited (CATL). 吉利汽车控股有限公司与国内领先的锂电...

  • 中国加拿大公司合作开发阿根廷锂矿

    18-08-23 Ganfeng Lithium of China has joined forces with Lithium Americas of Canada to cooperate in opening a lithium mine in Argentina. 中国赣锋锂业与加拿大美洲锂业将合作在阿根廷开采锂矿。 The Cauchari-Olaroz project will see the chemical extracted from bri...

  • 中国电池回收处于领先地位

    18-04-19 A report by a specialist German organisation has stated that China is well ahead of European countries in terms of developing sustainable battery recycling systems. 德国某专家组织的一份报告中表示,中国在发展可持续电池回收系统领域领先欧洲国家。 Ensur...

  • 中国公布新能源汽车电池回收指导方针

    18-02-27 Chinese authorities have published a guideline Monday on recycling new energy vehicle (NEV) batteries. 中国政府周一公布了新能源汽车电池回收指导方针。 China encourages the research of NEV battery recycling and supports relevant cooperation between re...

  • 美科学家设计出自带灭火材料的锂电池

    17-01-21 Researchers have designed a lithium-ion battery that contains a fire-extinguishing material, which is released if the battery gets too hot. 研究人员设计出一款自带灭火材料的锂离子电池,在电池过热时就会释放灭火材料。 Flame retardant triphenyl phosphat...

  • 特斯拉在内华达州建设超级电池工厂

    16-07-28 Tesla Motors has unveiled its 5 billion-US Dollar battery gigafactory outside Reno, in Nevada. 特斯拉汽车在内华达州里诺城外投资50亿美元建设一座电池超级工厂。 The company is opening the plant earlier than expected in order to ramp up production of it...

  • Low Battery Anxiety 低电量焦虑

    16-07-05 Low Battery Anxiety describes the condition where people get panicked and annoyed when your phones battery is dangerously close to the 20 percent mark. 低电量焦虑指手机电量接近20%报警值时人们会变得恐慌和焦躁的状况。 When faced with only a few minute...

  • 纳米技术将推动电池行业的发展

    16-06-01 A team of American and Chinese researchers has developed a new tool that could aid in the quest for better batteries and fuel cells. Although battery technology has come a long way since Alessandro Volta first stacked metal discs in a voltaic pile t...

  • 锂空气电池可能成为下一代新电池技术

    16-05-06 Rechargeable lithium air batteries are a next-generation technology: Theoretically they might be much lighter and offer better performance than current lithium ion batteries. However, currently they run out of steam after only a few charging cycles....