• 《帕丁顿熊2》精彩词句

    23-01-30 1. If we look after this bear, I have a feeling hell go far. 如果我们收留他,我有预感他将来前途远大。 2. Ive really got to grips with how things work. 我终于习惯了这里的生活方式。 3. Hang on, how old do you think I am? 等等,你以为我几岁? 4. Plenty...

  • bear怎么用

    22-12-05 1 可数名词 bear 指 熊 这种动物。 There are bears in the woods. 2 作动词使用时,bear 的字面本意是 负荷,承重,也可以用来比喻 忍受,忍耐。 I cant bear this cold weather its too much for me! I cant bear this job its too hard! I cant bear to wait any lo...

  • 跟ice有关的表达

    22-08-26 1. Id like two bottles of beer chilled with ice, please. 麻烦给我来两瓶冰镇啤酒。 2. We need someone to break the ice. 我们需要有人打破这种僵局。 3. Ice helps to preserve food. 冰能帮助保藏食物。 4. Most children love ice cream. 大多数小孩都喜欢冰淇...

  • small beer 无关紧要的人或事

    22-08-08 1. Small beer 酒量有限,啤酒就来一小杯? 想要小酌一下的吃货们,可别打错了算盘。Small beer就算是要和啤酒扯上关系,意思也是淡啤酒,而通常它指的是无关紧要的人或事,经常会用在对比中,如:Compared to all that it had happened to him recently, this latest...

  • 为什么大人也爱泰迪熊?

    22-01-22 泰迪熊是许多人从小就熟悉的玩具。这个毛茸茸的伙伴给童年带来了欢乐和慰藉。一些人即使已经长大,对它的喜爱也丝毫不减。这是为什么? One thing we always remember from our childhood is our favourite teddy bear. This soft, ragged toy was our comfort and com...

  • bear with me 耐心点儿

    21-12-24 如果你对某人说 bear with me 你的意思是要对方耐心点儿或耐心等一等。 例句 Please bear with me while I make this phone call. Ill be with you shortly. I went to the hospital and the queue was very long. They asked me to bear with them as there was an ep...

  • bear with me 耐心的等

    21-09-03 如果你想让某人耐心的等你做一件事情,你可以说 bear with me. 例句 Bear with me. Im on the phone right now and I will be with you shortly. If you could just bear with me for a moment I will find the address of my dentist to give you. I am sure I wrote...

  • bear with me 耐心等一等

    21-08-16 如果你对某人说 bear with me 你的意思是要对方耐心点儿或耐心等一等。 例句 Please bear with me while I make this phone call. Ill be with you shortly. I went to the hospital and the queue was very long. They asked me to bear with them as there was an ep...

  • 柏林电影节将不按性别颁发奖项

    20-08-27 The organizers of the Berlin International Film Festival say they will stop awarding separate acting prizes to women and men beginning next year. 柏林国际电影节主办方称,他们将从明年起停止分别向男女演员颁发表演奖项。 Berlinale organizers said Monday...

  • 加州公路巡警办公室遭意外访客

    18-11-28 A bear had no trouble opening a door as it strolled into a California Highway Patrol office in a mountain town. 一只熊毫不费力地打开加州某山区城镇公路巡警办公室的房门并进入办公室内。 In an online video shared by the CHP Saturday, the bear is seen th...