• 《Up》飞屋环游记

    20-11-28 Up is a 2009 American computer-animated comedy-adventure film. It centers on an elderly widower named Carl Fredricksen and an earnest young Wilderness Explorer named Russell who fly to South America by floating in a house. The film has received univ...

  • 亚洲及美国的鸟类数量 “陷入危机”

    20-11-21 两项主要研究显示,亚洲及美国的鸟类总数 陷入危机。研究发现,美国和加拿大的鸟类数量在 50 年内减少了30亿只。 Bird markets on Java, Indonesias most densely populated island, are a cacophony of song. This is a trade fuelled by a national passion for bird...

  • An Old-Fashioned Girl - Chapter 9

    20-11-11 THE first few weeks were hard ones, for Polly had not yet outgrown her natural shyness and going among so many strangers caused her frequent panics. But her purpose gave her courage, and when the ice was once broken, her little pupils quickly learne...

  • 与bird相关的表达

    20-10-21 A little bird told me. 这句话很有意思,难道是有只小鸟告诉我?。这样理解,会把老外笑翻的! a little bird told me是一种非常诙谐的表达,意思是有人告诉我,有小道消息,当你不想透露某个消息是谁告诉你时,就说是a little bird told me... 这个说法有个典故: 在《圣经》...

  • do bird 坐牢;服刑

    20-10-21 bird很容易让人联想到关在笼子里的小鸟,而do bird,意思是像鸟儿一样被关在笼子里,意为坐牢;服刑,to spend time in prison. - He has done bird for 10 years due to his crime. -因为他犯的罪,他在牢里蹲了10年。 关于坐牢还有一个有意思的表达,也很容易引起人...

  • 科学家在缅甸发现一块化石鸟琥珀

    20-02-11 An international team led by a Chinese paleontologist in Myanmar discovered a large ancient bird from the Cretaceous period and preserved in amber, the team announced on Monday. 由一位中国古生物学家带领的一支国际团队在缅甸发现一只白垩纪时期的大型古...

  • 陕西孵化今年第一只朱q幼鸟

    19-04-10 An artificial breeding center in northwest Chinas Shaanxi Province recently had its first crested ibis chick hatched this year. 陕西省一个人工繁育中心最近孵化出今年第一只朱鹮幼鸟。 After naturally hatching in a cage, the baby bird emerged from its s...

  • 两男子杀朱q被判10年徒刑

    18-06-21 A court in northwest Chinas Shaanxi Province upheld the verdict of two men who killed a highly endangered crested ibis and were sentenced up to 10 years in prison. 两位男子因杀害一只高度濒危朱鹮被判处有期徒刑10年,陕西省某法院二审维持原判。 Accordin...

  • 大熊猫基地帮助孵化珍稀鸟类

    18-05-07 Chinas giant panda research base said on Sunday that it has hatched one Chinese monal (Lophophorus lhuysii) egg, a bird as rare as the giant panda. 中国大熊猫研究基地周日表示,该基地已孵化一枚绿尾虹雉蛋,这种鸟类跟大熊猫一样珍贵。 The rare bird, nat...

  • Naughty Brother 顽皮的弟弟

    16-08-17 Donny is my little brother. He is a naughty boy. On Sunday morning Donny went into the yard and played with a dog. Sometimes a bird would come down to stay on the tops of the dogs house. Then Donny threw a stone at it. Suddenly the little boy began...