• 数百鹈鹕因严寒被困里海

    12-02-22 Authorities in the southern Russian province of Dagestan are trying to save hundreds of rare Dalmatian pelicans trapped by unusually cold weather. 俄罗斯南部达吉斯坦的官员正设法拯救因严寒天气被困的几百只达尔马西亚塘鹅。 Local residents have been aid...

  • 研究:物种可以改变

    11-12-09 A study of South American songbirds(黄莺) completed by the Department of Biology at Queen's University and the Argentine Museum of Natural History, has discovered these birds differ dramatically in colour and song yet show very little genetic diff...

  • 鸟类将是今年最受欢迎的万圣节装扮

    11-10-29 Many of our friends look set to be dressing in feathers this Halloween, as new research has revealed that the most popular Halloween costumes this year will be of the avian variety. 今年万圣节好多朋友们都要准备穿羽毛装了新调查揭示,鸟类将是今年最受...

  • Not A Good Staff

    11-10-14 EDWARD and SAM become my generations friends, because of the quiz answer of the ten birds and ten fishes. EDWARD is 14 years old, SAM is 12. Both visited our garden centre one day. After some talking, we knew each others name, age, nationality, livi...

  • 鸟类依靠嗅觉避免近亲繁殖

    11-09-23 Birds may have a more highly developed sense of smell than researchers previously thought, contend scholars who have found that penguins may use smell to determine if they are related to a potential mate. The research by the University of Chicago an...

  • 英国将两种鸟类列入濒危物种

    11-09-07 Two once-widespread woodland species of British birds have been put on the endangered list after a steep decline in their numbers. 两种曾经在英国普遍分布的林地鸟类因数量急剧下降而被列入濒危物种。 The lesser spotted woodpecker is now one of 103 speci...

  • 蝴蝶如何模仿环境躲过鸟类捕杀

    11-08-15 The mystery of how a butterfly has changed its wing patterns to mimic neighbouring species and avoid being eaten by birds has been solved by a team of European scientists. The study is published August 14, 2011 in the journal Nature. The greatest ev...

  • 地面筑巢的鸟类如何保护幼仔

    11-06-24 Ground-nesting birds face an uphill(向上的) struggle to successfully rear their young, many eggs and fledglings(刚会飞的幼鸟) falling prey to predators. Now, scientists from the USA have found that some birds eavesdrop(窃听) on their enemies,...

  • The Hunter's conscience

    11-06-02 Doctor Huang Xiaoyuan of Hangzhou was a noted authority on skin diseases and infections of all sorts. One day he was sitting in his office when a man came in groaning(呻吟) . What an ugly brute(畜生,残暴的人) , the doctor couldn't help thinking...

  • 切尔诺贝利事故使橙色羽毛的鸟类数量下降

    11-04-27 On April 26, 1986, history's greatest nuclear accident took place northwest of the Ukrainian city of Chernobyl. Despite the scale of the disaster, 25 years later, we still do not know its real effects. An international team of investigators has show...