• skin and bones 皮包骨头 骨瘦如柴

    21-05-22 短语 skin and bones 皮肤和骨头 实际所表达的意思如汉语里常说的 皮包骨头 相同,形容人的体型过于瘦。 例句 My grandmother is very ill at the moment, so shes lost her appetite. Shes skin and bones now. 我奶奶现在病的很严重,所以她没有胃口。她现在瘦得皮包...

  • 陶器上发现有4000年历史的字迹

    18-02-12 Archaeologists have found 4,000-year-old characters, even older than the oracle bones scripts, in north Chinas Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. 考古学家在内蒙古发现一些有4000年历史的字迹,这些字迹甚至比甲骨文还要悠久。 Ink marks, which were confirm...

  • 巴塔哥尼亚发现新品种翼龙

    16-09-01 Scientists today announced the discovery of a new species of pterosaur from the Patagonia region of South America. The cranial remains were in an excellent state of preservation and belonged to a new species of pterosaur from the Early Jurassic. The...

  • 古生物学家发现大型霸王龙化石

    16-08-22 Paleontologists with the Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture and the University of Washington have discovered a Tyrannosaurus rex, including a very complete skull. The find, which paleontologists estimate to be about 20 percent of the animal...

  • 北美洲发现有1.3万年历史的野牛骨骼化石

    16-05-12 In what is considered one of the oldest and most important archaeological digs in North America, scientists have uncovered what they believe are the bones of a 13,000- to 14,000-year-old ancient, extinct species of bison at the Old Vero Man Site in...

  • 气候变化可能导致穴居人的灭绝

    16-05-12 A researcher at the University of Colorado Denver has found that Neanderthals in Europe showed signs of nutritional stress during periods of extreme cold, suggesting climate change may have contributed to their demise around 40,000 years ago. Jamie...

  • 同步加速成像展现恐龙骨骼的愈合过程

    14-05-08 Scientists have used state-of-the-art imaging techniques to examine the cracks, fractures and breaks in the bones of a 150 million-year-old predatory dinosaur. The University of Manchester researchers say their groundbreaking work - using synchrotro...

  • 考古鸡骨揭示波利尼西亚人的迁移轨迹

    14-03-19 Did the Polynesians beat Columbus to South America? Not according to the tale of migration uncovered by analysis of ancient DNA from chicken bones recovered in archaeological digs across the Pacific. The ancient DNA has been used to study the origin...

  • 乌龟的甲壳如何形成的

    13-05-31 Through careful study of an ancient ancestor of modern turtles, researchers now have a clearer picture of how the turtles' most unusual shell came to be. The findings, reported on May 30 in Current Biology, a Cell Press publication, help to fill a 3...

  • 迄今最古老的古人类耳骨

    13-05-14 A new study, led by a Binghamton University anthropologist(人类学家) and published this week by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, could shed new light on the earliest existence of humans. The study analyzed the tiny ear bones, t...