• make no bones about 直言不讳

    22-08-26 今天我们要讲的美国习惯用语是:make no bones about。Make no bones about就是不管是否会得罪别人,或是让别人感到尴尬,都直言不讳的意思。不过要记住,这里用的是复数bones。我嫂子就是那种有什么说什么的人。 上星期天我们去餐馆吃牛排,服务员问我们是否可口,结...

  • No bones about it. 真实的,诚恳的。

    22-06-09 意思是:真实的,诚恳的(truly, sincerely or exactly),也就是 to make no bones about it.(bone 要加 s, it 是指 something)例如: His wife is beautiful; no bones about it.(他的太太真是很漂亮。) Mr. A made no bones about it when he talked about abor...

  • 考古发现最早关于人类着装的指向性证据

    21-09-25 据美国有线电视新闻网报道,考古学家近日在摩洛哥的一个洞穴中发现了62件用于处理和打磨动物皮革的骨器,这可能是考古发现中最早关于人类着装的指向性证据之一。这些工具距今有9万至12万年的历史。 In popular culture, cave men (and women) are often draped in furs...

  • the bare bones 某事或某情况的基本要素

    21-08-05 The bare bones 的意思是某事或某情况的梗概、基本要素、重要部分。 例句 Only the bare bones of the house were left after the tornado. All you could see were the walls and parts of the roof. So far, youve only given me the bare bones of what happened. I...