• 10个有关金钱的表达 下

    22-08-02 6. Bet your bottom dollar to bet all that you have because you are certain you will win 孤注一掷,把底金压上 例句: I would bet my bottom dollar that Rachel will show up late again today. 我敢打盹瑞秋今天晚些时候一定会再次出现。 7. Look like a milli...

  • get at the heart of the matter 主要问题和担忧的事

    22-07-04 From the bottom of my heart 常用于第一人称,该短语意为你的态度非常真诚。 Youre the best player on the basketball team. I mean that from the bottom of my heart. 你是篮球队里最优秀的选手。我这是肺腑之言。 I think you are a wonderful person. Really, I...

  • get to the bottom of something 搞清楚某事,彻查某事

    22-06-10 1. get to the bottom of something 搞清楚某事,彻查某事,对寻根究底(to get an understanding of the causes of something) 例句: There is clearly something wrong here, and I need to get to the bottom of it. 这显然有什么不对的地方,我要彻底搞清楚。 2....

  • 日常英语中的陈词滥调

    21-10-02 单词cliche来自法语,它的意思是老生常谈、陈词滥调。英语中有些习语、句子和短语被使用的频率很高,人们听多了后就觉得这些词语变得没有什么意思了。你还在使用这些老套的词语吗?做下面六道题,让你的英语词汇与时俱进。 1. Complete the cliche which means that a...

  • get to the bottom or root of a matter 刨根问底

    21-07-08 刨根问底,汉语成语,意思是盘究查问,探究底细,弄清根底原由。可以翻译为get to the bottom or root of a matter,常用表达对某事刨根问底(make detailed enquiries of something )。 例句: 他这个人就爱刨根问底。 Hes never satisfied until he gets to the bot...

  • 法国男子国旗擦屁股引争议

    10-04-24 近日,一张法国男子用法国国旗擦屁股的照片令法国民众感到愕然和愤怒。照片中,一名男子背对着镜头,裤子堆在脚踝处,一面法国国旗挡在臀部,可以看得出他是在用国旗擦屁股。法国司法部长称这种侮辱国旗的行为是不可接受的,并下令对该行为人诉诸于法律。 The French g...

  • Roadside inferno 火海救援

    10-03-24 Looks like a brush fire(灌木丛火灾), Kim Cooper thought as she spotted an orange glow ahead on Interstate 75. It was near dusk(黄昏) , and she and her husband, Steve, were trucking through northern Kentucky hauling(搬运,牵引) auto parts from...
