• 老年人健忘的原因

    11-12-30 New research links 'silent strokes,' or small spots of dead brain cells, found in about one out of four older adults to memory loss in the elderly. The study is published in the January 3, 2012, print issue of Neurology, the medical journal of the A...

  • 富含ω3脂肪酸的饮食能防止大脑萎缩

    11-12-30 People with diets high in several vitamins or in omega 3 fatty acids are less likely to have the brain shrinkage associated with Alzheimer's disease than people whose diets are not high in those nutrients, according to a new study published in the D...

  • 大脑结缔细胞就像胶水

    11-12-30 Glia cells, named for the Greek word for glue, hold the brain's neurons together and protect the cells that determine our thoughts and behaviors, but scientists have long puzzled over their prominence(突出,显著) in the activities of the brain ded...

  • 对海螺的研究有助于增强人类记忆力

    11-12-29 Efforts to help people with learning impairments(损伤,损害) are being aided by a species of sea snail known as Aplysia californica. The mollusk(软体动物) , which is used by researchers to study the brain, has much in common with other species i...

  • Moxons Master 2

    11-12-28 The reply, coming with less than his customary delay, took his favourite form of counter-interrogation: 'With what does a plant think -- in the absence of a brain?' 'Ah, plants also belong to the philosopher class! I should be pleased to know some o...

  • 多发性硬化影响大脑几个不同部位

    11-12-27 Radiology researchers at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth) have found evidence that multiple sclerosis(多发性硬化) affects an area of the brain that controls cognitive, sensory and motor functioning apart from the...

  • 脑细胞如何工作

    11-12-22 University of Miami (UM) biology professor Akira Chiba is leading a multidisciplinary(有关各种学问的) team to develop the first systematic survey of protein interactions within brain cells. The team is aiming to reconstruct genome-wide in situ pro...

  • 便携式脑损伤快速检测仪即将问世

    11-12-21 When accidents that involve traumatic(外伤的) brain injuries occur, a speedy diagnosis followed by the proper treatment can mean the difference between life and death. A research team, led by Jason D. Riley in the Section on Analytical and Functio...

  • 焦躁的人并非神经过敏

    11-12-21 Anxious people have long been classified as hypersensitive -- they're thought to be more fearful and feel threatened more easily than their counterparts. But new research from Tel Aviv University shows that the anxious may not be hypersensitive at a...

  • 男性大脑结构可能因初夜而改变

    11-12-17 Losing your virginity really could be life-changing. Having sex apparently alters the structure of the brain in men, at least. 失去处子之身确实会改变你的人生。初尝禁果会显著地改变人的大脑结构至少对男人是如此。 A Japanese study of tiny spines(脊柱,...