• Interpreting the Films

    12-03-13 Interpreting the Films Heidy Steidlmayer Here I am hunched(缩成一团的) over another impression of the brain with its wads of flat batting and weird yarn, thinking how can I read these films without a light board me, foolishly holding each chronic...

  • brain waste 人才浪费

    12-03-12 The term brain waste describes the situation of immigrants who were skilled professionals in their home countries but have been forced to take unskilled jobs in their new country. Brain waste(人才浪费)指在本国身为受过训练的专业人员在移民国被迫从事...

  • 眼部活动与胳膊活动相协调

    12-02-29 We make our eye movements earlier or later in order to coordinate with movements of our arms, New York University neuroscientists have found. Their study, which appears in the journal Neuron, points to a mechanism in the brain that allows for this c...

  • 大脑中存在动机推动区域

    12-02-23 A team coordinated by Mathias Pessiglione, Inserm researcher at the Centre de recherche en neurosciences de la Piti Salptrire (Inserm/UPMC-Universit Pierre and Marie Curie/CNRS) have identified the part of the brain driving motivation during actions...

  • safety overhaul 安全大检查

    12-02-23 China's transportation authority on Sunday ordered local departments to launch thorough safety overhaul to resolutely curb severe traffic accidents after a raft of tragedies in less than a month. 中国铁道部负责人上周日要求各地方部门开展全面彻底的安...

  • 大脑优势决定用哪只耳朵听电话

    12-02-22 If you're a left brain thinker, chances are you use your right hand to hold your cell phone up to your right ear, according to a new study from Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit. The study finds a strong correlation between brain dominance and the ear...

  • 婴儿患疝气可能与母亲偏头痛有关

    12-02-21 A study of mothers and their young babies by neurologists at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) has shown that mothers who suffer migraine headaches(偏头痛) are more than twice as likely to have babies with colic(疝气) than mothe...

  • 研究:会议能使团队成员变蠢

    12-02-13 Meetings don't just eat up time in the workplace, they actually make groups of people stupider, says new research. 新研究发现,会议不单会耗费大量工作时间,实际上还会使团队成员都变蠢。 Working in a group makes people perform worse on intelligence tes...

  • 干细胞移植使老鼠的神经功能改善

    12-02-13 In a new study presented at the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine's annual meeting, The Pregnancy Meeting , in Dallas, Texas, researchers have reported that early transplantation of human placenta-derived mesenchymal(间叶细胞的) stem cells into...

  • 鱼油能否预防精神疾病

    12-02-09 Researchers at Zucker Hillside Hospital's Recognition and Prevention (RAP) Program who have worked with teenagers at risk for serious mental illness for the past decade are now studying the effectiveness of Omega 3 fatty acids (fish oil) for treatin...