• 超8%的癌症儿童有遗传易感性

    15-11-24 The most detailed analysis yet of the role germline mutations in genes associated with cancer predisposition play in the development of childhood cancer suggests that comprehensive genomic screening may be warranted on all pediatric cancer patients,...

  • 血小板RNA测试是检测癌症的新方法

    15-11-19 A new RNA test of blood platelets can be used to detect, classify and pinpoint the location of cancer by analysing a sample equivalent to one drop of blood. Using this new method for blood-based RNA tests of blood platelets, researchers have been ab...

  • 美国非裔女性患乳腺癌的几率持续上升

    15-10-30 Breast cancer rates among African American women in the United States have continued to increase, converging with rates among white women and closing a gap that had existed for decades. The finding is part of Breast Cancer Statistics, 2015, publishe...

  • 夏季出生的人比别的季节出生更为健康

    15-10-18 People born in the summer are more likely to be healthy than those who arrive during other times of the year, new research suggests. 新研究显示,夏季出生的人要比别的季节出生的人更为健康。 The phenomenon could be caused by mothers getting more sun in...

  • 为何大象很少患癌症

    15-10-12 Why elephants rarely get cancer is a mystery that has stumped scientists for decades. A study led by researchers at Huntsman Cancer Institute (HCI) at the University of Utah and Arizona State University, and including researchers from the Ringling B...

  • cancer atlas 癌症地图

    15-10-12 Chinese authorities will compile a cancer atlas for the first time and lower the price of cancer drugs, according to a newly released guideline. 据最新公布的一份行动目标指出,中国政府计划编绘首份癌症地图,并降低抗癌药物的价格。 癌症地图(cancer atla...

  • CT胸透能提高肺癌患者的术后存活率

    15-09-28 Patients with recurrent lung cancer have better post-surgery survival rates if their management includes a follow-up programme based on computer tomography (CT) of the chest, according to new findings. The findings, presented at the ERS Internationa...

  • 阿司匹林能提高胃肠癌患者存活率

    15-09-28 Vienna, Austria: Aspirin improves survival in patients with tumours situated throughout the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, results from a large study in The Netherlands show. This is the first time that survival data from patients with tumours in diff...

  • 去势治疗会增加患致命心脏病的风险

    15-09-23 Long term follow up indicates that men with comorbidity, predominately a prior heart attack, who received androgen deprivation therapy(ADT) died earlier, due to a fatal heart attack. Androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) and radiation therapy (RT) is k...

  • 席琳·迪翁:丈夫希望死于自己怀中

    15-08-27 Singer Celine Dion says her cancer-stricken husband doesn't know how much time he has left, but knows he wants to die in her arms. 歌手席琳迪翁表示,她患癌症的丈夫尚不清楚自己剩下多少时日,但是他知道他想死在她的怀中。 Her husband, Ren Anglil, suffer...