• 血检可以测出肿瘤的生长位置

    17-03-15 A blood test for cancer can now show where in the body a tumour is growing, without the need for a painful biopsy. 一种癌症的血液检测方法可以测出肿瘤在体内生长的位置,而不需要进行活组织检测。 Liquid biopsies are hoped to revolutionise cancer treatme...

  • BBC:3月不容错过的十本好书

    17-03-10 Dan Chaon, Ill Will Dustin, a Cleveland psychologist in his 40s, is still damaged by the monstrous murder of his parents, aunt and uncle when he was 13. He testified against his older foster brother Rusty, who was sentenced to life in prison. Dustin...

  • 女性患癌率将比男性快六倍

    17-02-06 Cancer rates are set to rise six times faster in women than in men over the next two decades, new data has shown. 最新数据显示,在未来二十年,女性癌症患病率的增长速度将比男性快六倍。 Obesity and unhealthy lifestyles are behind an increased cancer ri...

  • 年长体胖的男性比偏瘦的男同胞更长寿

    16-12-04 Pudgy older fathers live longer, are more attractive to the opposite sex and are better at passing on their genes than their leaner counterparts, scientists have claimed. 科学家表示,年长体胖的男性比偏瘦的男同胞更长寿,更吸引异性,生育能力也更强。 B...

  • 年长体胖的男性更长寿

    16-11-27 Pudgy older fathers live longer, are more attractive to the opposite sex and are better at passing on their genes than their leaner counterparts, scientists have claimed. 科学家表示,年长体胖的男性比偏瘦的男同胞更长寿,更吸引异性,生育能力也更强。 B...

  • 英国绝症女孩获准冷冻遗体

    16-11-27 A British girl who died after a terminal illness won the right to have her body frozen in an unprecedented ruling, the High Court said on Friday. 英国高等法院11月18日透露,一名因绝症而去世的英国女孩获得了死后冷冻遗体的准许,这是一次史无前例的裁决。...

  • 波兰运动员拍卖奥运银牌帮助儿童治病

    16-08-30 A Polish discus thrower has sold his silver medal from the Rio 2016 Olympics to help a three-year-old boy with eye cancer. 波兰一名铁饼运动员网上拍卖自己的2016里约奥运银牌,帮助一名3岁儿童治疗眼癌。 I did everything in my power to get it (a glod med...

  • 12个关于食物的无稽之谈 下

    16-08-08 7 MYTH: Red meat is bad for you TRUTH: Red meat is rich in protein and a variety of vitamins and minerals. But you still shouldnt each too much as studies show that eating large amounts increases the risk of bowel cancer. The Department of Health re...

  • 每天喝粥可预防癌症

    16-06-19 A large bowl of porridge each day may protect against death from cancer, the biggest ever analysis of the benefits of whole grains has shown. 迄今有关粗粮好处的最大规模分析显示,每天喝一大碗粥可预防癌症带来的死亡。 Oats have long been considered a s...

  • 服用阿司匹林能降低20%患癌风险

    16-04-21 Patients receiving cancer treatment could increase their chance of survival by up to 20% and help stop their cancer from spreading by taking a low-dose of aspirin, new research suggests. In a systematic review of the available scientific literature...