• 等离子纳米微泡可杀死癌细胞

    10-09-28 Rice University physicist Dmitri Lapotko has demonstrated that plasmonic nanobubbles, generated around gold nanoparticles with a laser pulse, can detect and destroy cancer cells in vivo(在活体内) by creating tiny, shiny vapor(蒸汽,烟雾) bubbles...

  • 乳腺癌患者的配偶需注意自己的精神状态

    10-09-27 Men whose partners have breast cancer should be checked for signs that their mental health has been affected, say researchers. 研究人员称,配偶患有乳腺癌的男子应该检查一下自己的心理健康有没有受到不良影响。 Men sometimes keep quiet about how they are...

  • 头颈部肿瘤发病率与种族之间的关系

    10-09-27 Head and neck cancer outcomes associated with race may be more closely linked to social and behavioral factors than biological differences, especially for African Americans, according to a new Henry Ford Hospital study. Researchers found that while...

  • 抑制细胞信号通道可提高骨髓移植成功率

    10-09-27 Identification of a molecular communications pathway that influences the mobilization of hematopoietic(造血的) ( blood) stem cells could lead to targeted therapies for improving bone marrow(骨髓) transplant success rates. In a bed-side to bench...

  • 联合国报告:臭氧层将于2048年完全恢复

    10-09-25 Ozone layer 'is no longer disappearing and will return to full strength by 2048', says UN report. 联合国报告称,臭氧层没有继续消失,并且会在2048年前完全恢复原状。 The ozone layer over Antarctica in September 1980, left, and how it looked this weeken...

  • 某基因变体可降低乳腺癌风险

    10-09-20 Individuals with disrupting mutations in the BRCA1 gene are known to be at substantially(实质上,大体上) increased risk of breast cancer throughout their lives. Now, discoveries from an international research team led by Mayo Clinic researchers sh...

  • 预防癌症患者出现静脉栓塞

    10-09-10 For cancer patients, who have an increased risk of developing venous thromboembolism ( VTE静脉血栓栓塞 ) due to a hyperactive(极度活跃的) blood coagulation system(血凝固) , there is now an enhanced risk model to predict their chance of developin...

  • 某迷幻剂可提高晚期癌症患者的情绪

    10-09-07 In the first human study of its kind to be published in more than 35 years, researchers found psilocybin(墨西哥致幻菌素) , an hallucinogen(迷幻剂) which occurs naturally in magic mushrooms, can safely improve the moods of patients with advanced-...

  • 长期口服双磷酸盐会加倍患食管癌风险

    10-09-03 People who take oral bisphosphonates(二磷酸盐类) for bone disease over five years may be doubling their risk of developing oesophageal(食管的) cancer (cancer of the gullet食道,咽喉 ), according to a new study published on bmj.com today. Oral bi...

  • 新红外线技术可应用于对抗癌症

    10-09-02 A game-changing technique using near infrared light enables scientists to look deeper into the guts(内脏,胆子) of cells, potentially opening up a new frontier in the fights against cancer and many other diseases. University of Central Florida che...