• 河南建世界最长马蹄形玻璃桥

    18-06-15 Dont look down if youre scared of heights. 如果你恐高,那就别低头。 From Saturday, visitors to the Fuxi Grand Canyon in central Chinas Henan Province will be able to see straight down to the canyon floor 360 meters below as they walk on the worlds l...

  • 南极冰原下隐藏着世界上最大的峡谷

    16-01-15 The world's largest canyon may lie under the Antarctic ice sheet, according to analysis of satellite data by a team of scientists, led by Durham University. Although the discovery needs to be confirmed by direct measurements, the previously unknown...

  • 格陵兰冰盖下隐藏着巨大的峡谷

    13-08-30 Data from a NASA airborne science mission reveals evidence of a large and previously unknown canyon(峡谷) hidden under a mile of Greenland ice. The canyon has the characteristics of a winding river channel and is at least 460 miles long, making it...

  • 瑞士探险家成功飞越科罗拉多大峡谷

    11-05-23 A documentary film that features a paparazzi photograph of Princess Diana dying after a car crash in Paris in 1997 has stirred controversy, three days before it is shown to the media and potential buyers in Cannes. 一部记录戴妃1997年巴黎车祸的影片即...
