• 中华人民共和国香港特别行政区基本法(16)

    22-10-27 第七章 对外事务 Chapter VII External Affairs 第一百五十条 香港特别行政区政府的代表,可作为中华人民共和国政府代表团的成员,参加由中央人民政府进行的同香港特别行政区直接有关的外交谈判。 Article 150 Representatives of the Government of the Hong Kong Spe...

  • 中国在可再生能源领域实现跨越式发展

    22-10-21 近年来,在全供应链和强有力政策措施的支持下,中国在可再生能源领域实现了跨越式发展,可再生能源装机容量居全球首位。 Supported by full supply chains and robust policy measures, China has achieved leapfrog development in renewable energy in recent years,...

  • 谈薪水这件事 上

    22-08-02 HR也许会这么问你: 1. What kind of salary reviews or progress would you expect in this company? 你对这个公司的薪水和加薪有什么期待? 2. Why do you think youre worth that? 为什么你认为自己应该得到这一水平的薪水? 3. How do you understand a salary in a...

  • 我国可再生能源装机规模稳居全球首位

    22-07-15 十年来,我国以水电、风电、光伏发电为代表的可再生能源实现跨越式发展,装机规模稳居全球首位,发电量占比稳步提升,能源结构调整和减碳效果逐步显现。 Chinas total installed capacity of renewable energy generation has increased by around 90 times over the p...

  • 机场提议强风时飞机应凑近飞

    21-02-27 It may seem counterintuitive, but on windy days, aircraft should fly closer together. Those are the plans at Heathrow airport anyway. The problem is that Heathrow is running at full capacity. It cannot process more than the 480,000 flights it curren...

  • 无人驾驶汽车

    21-02-25 什么样的汽车不需要司机就可以在道路上驰骋?随着不断发展革新的技术,目前已有越来越多的公司决定接受研发无人驾驶汽车的挑战。驾驶员这一角色在未来会成为过去式吗? As the relentless pace of technology continues to advance, companies must adapt or get left...

  • 你诚实吗?

    21-02-24 你诚实吗?你撒过慌、骗过人吗?在生活、工作中,诚实一定是上策吗? Lets be honest Im sure weve all done something a little dishonest in our lives maybe copying someones work, borrowing some money from a friend and not paying them back or being given t...