• let the cat out of the bag 露马脚

    23-01-20 露马脚是一个汉语词语,字面意思是show ones hoof,用于比喻不小心暴露了隐藏的真相(to reveal a hidden truth carelessly or by mistake),或现原形(give oneself away),与英文习语let the cat out of the bag意思相近。 例句: 这个小偷因大量花钱而露了马脚。...

  • like a cat on a hot tin roof 如坐针毡

    22-08-29 如坐针毡,汉语成语,字面意思是像坐在插着针的毡子上(as if sitting on a bed of needles),形容心神不定,坐立不安(feel extremely uneasy)。 如坐针毡与英文俗语like a cat on a hot tin roof/like a cat on hot bricks意思相近,都可以表示be anxious and unab...

  • Cat Fight 两个女人之间的打架

    22-08-17 1. Cat Fight (fight between two women) 猫打架(两个女人之间的打架) Because women often scratch, claw, and yell when they fight, like cats do (thats the stereotype at least), an intense fight between two women is often called a cat fight (noun). 因...

  • Cat Burlgar 入室偷盗

    22-08-17 1. Cat Burlgar (skilled, sneaky burglar/thief) 入室偷盗(偷窃惯犯、入室偷盗的老手) A Cat Burglar is a thief or robber who robs somebodys home in a silent and sneaky way. Think of a cat walking in the dark, with ninja-like movements, almost without...