• 和“猫”有关的词汇

    21-10-02 你听说过抱猫日 吗?这是近年来随着互联网的发展,流行起来的的一个节日。很多人会在这个节日与好友通过社交网络分享自己的抱猫照。不论你是否喜欢猫咪,通过做本集《英语小测验》的题目,你将学到如何用英语说小猫、非品种猫、猫的胡须和猫爪。 1. What are baby cats...

  • 和“睡眠”有关的英语词组

    21-09-29 每当假期过后,人们都希望能延长假期中慵懒的时光,继续放松一下。每年的1月3日是 睡眠节 The Festival of Sleep。良好的睡眠会能让人一整天都精神抖擞,充满干劲儿。通过做六道小题,学习和 睡眠 有关的英语表达。 1. If you know something really well and are able...

  • 猫也有不同的性格类型

    21-09-10 如果你家里只养了一只猫,你可能会以为猫的性格只有一种,那就是时而高冷,时而粘人。但是如果你接触的猫足够多,你会发现,猫和人一样,也有不同的性格类型。 Ask any cat person to describe their feline friend, and theyll likely affectionately say jerkface. C...

  • 猫狗有什么区别

    21-07-26 1. When you pet them 抚摸它们时 Dog - Ooh! I love being petted, this is perfect. I love you human. I love you so much, you are amazing. 狗:哦,我喜欢被抚摸,太舒服了,我喜欢你主人,我太爱你了,你真好。 Cat - I wanna be petted, but I also wanna scra...

  • 东京某建筑物上设立3D广告牌

    21-07-12 日本东京新宿火车站附近一座建筑物上设立了一块3D广告牌,上面显示了一只非常逼真的巨型花猫,不但会动,还会喵喵叫。 Recently, a hyper-realistic 3D cat has appeared on a billboard in Tokyo, Japan, and the videos of it vent viral on Twitter. 最近,日本东京...

  • like a cat on a hot tin roof 像热锅上的蚂蚁一般,坐立不安

    21-05-16 表达 like a cat on a hot tin roof 的字面意思是 像热铁皮屋顶上的猫,但它实际用来描述 某人极度焦虑或担心的样子,相当于汉语歇后语 热锅上的蚂蚁团团转,突出了一个人坐立不安的状态。 例句 Hes really nervous about the big deal. Hes pacing back and forth. He...

  • fight like cat and dog 争吵不休

    21-05-12 很多人认为 猫和狗 是天敌。如果这两种动物打起架来,那会是怎样的一番情景呢?表达 fight like cat and dog 像猫和狗一样打架 形容 人与人之间的争吵非常激烈、吵得不可开交。 例句 My older brother and I used to fight like cat and dog when we were younger. We...

  • 肥胖的宠物

    21-03-10 Can you resist the pleading eyes of a cat keen on the piece of ham youre just about to eat? I cant, and this is bad news for my cat Freddy. He is getting very fat. More than 18 million of the UKs pets could have a premature death because of their di...

  • 热锅上的蚂蚁

    20-11-21 热锅上的蚂蚁用来形容人们心里烦躁、焦急,坐立不安的样子,指的是restless,unable to remain still(焦躁不安,静不下来)。英文中也有一个古老的俗语用来形容这种紧张不安:好像热砖上的猫(like a cat on hot bricks)。Hot bricks指的是热砖,想想看,猫爬在热砖...

  • 中国第一只克隆猫“大蒜”诞生

    19-08-21 A company in Beijing announced on Monday that it had successfully bred Chinas first cloned cat, reports China Science and Technology Daily. 北京某公司周一宣布,该公司成功培育出国内第一只克隆猫。 The kitten named Garlic was born on July 21 in a labor...