• 农场工作给患自闭症的年轻人带来成就感

    22-07-22 Lydia Otter, Farm Owner Were a small working farm, 100 acres with about 30 beef cattle on. But were also a farm where young people with autism learn working skills. Weve got little goats and chickens, and we have an organic egg production. 莉迪亚奥...

  • 德国科学家对奶牛进行如厕训练

    21-09-15 家畜的粪便是温室气体的一大来源,为了减少家畜随地排泄对环境的危害,德国科学家对奶牛进行了如厕训练,结果发现,牲畜比人们想的更聪明。 If you can potty-train a child, you can potty-train a cow. At least, that was the theory a group of researchers in Ger...

  • “遥控牛” 保护沙丘生态平衡

    21-09-14 These Lincoln Red cattle are highly efficient grazers devouring grasses, shrubs and bushes with unrivalled enthusiasm. 林肯红牛是高效的食草动物,它们吃青草、灌木和灌木丛的热情无与伦比。 The collars they are wearing allow for the remote control of wh...

  • 英国一所大学禁止售卖牛肉汉堡以“应对气候变化”

    20-11-24 英国一所大学禁止在校内售卖牛肉汉堡,以应对全球气候变暖。伦敦大学金史密斯学院将禁止在校内售卖所有牛肉类产品,并对瓶装水和一次性塑料杯征收十便士的税。 No mince, no burgers, and certainly no steak night. Beef is off the menu at Goldsmiths University in...

  • 和牛为何价格昂贵 吃巧克力

    16-12-24 They say chocolate makes everything better, and apparently premium wagyu beef is no exception. For the past 10 years, the Mayura Station Farm in southern Australia has been feeding its full-blood wagyu cattle chocolate and other sweets mixed with th...

  • 中远集团交付一艘巨型货船

    16-04-28 Chinas COSCO Shipyard has delivered a giant carrier ship designed for livestock to a Singaporean buyer. 中国远航运输集团向新加坡买方交付一艘用于运输牲畜的巨型货船。 The ship has been delivered in the northeastern coastal city of Dalian. The vessel,...

  • 中国开始进口澳洲活牲畜

    15-10-22 China has started the importation of live cattle from Australia, part of a landmark deal that opens the doors to China's huge beef market for Australian farmers. 中国已开始从澳大利亚进口活体牲畜,标志着中国将向澳洲农民开放其巨大的牛肉市...