• 美式拼写和英式拼写的三大区别

    21-10-29 颜色 的拼写是 color 还是 colour?想表示 组织、安排 这个动作是用 organize 还是 organise?虽然美国人和英国人都以英语为母语,但他们对一些相同事物的拼写方法是不一样的。这两种英语中,部分单词在拼写上的区别有规可循吗? 用法总结 1 有些在美式拼写中结尾为 -e...

  • debut in a central role C位出道

    20-10-14 出道,我们可以用debut这个词来描述。 这个词来源于法语,意思是初次登台;处女作。 例:Congratulations to the debut of THE9. 恭喜THE9出道。 而对于C位,有说法认为C代表carry,指的是此人需担负起团队中的责任,carry全队; 又有人认为这是center的意思,是团队或...

  • the most admirable people in the new era 新时代最可爱的人

    20-09-11 3月10日,国家主席习近平在视察新冠肺炎疫情暴发地武汉火神山医院指挥中心时,称赞一线医护人员是新时代最可爱的人,向他们表示崇高的敬意。 President Xi Jinping on Tuesday lauded frontline medical workers as the most admirable people in the new era who dese...

  • 中央广播电视总台粤港澳大湾区中心正式启用

    19-11-08 The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Center of China Media Group (CMG) officially opened on November 7, along with the launch of the new mobile media platform of the Voice of Greater Bay Area. 中央广播电视总台粤港澳大湾区中心11月7号正式启...

  • 福特将在南京建研发运营中心

    19-08-13 Ford Motor company will set up its product RD center and China operations center in Nanjing, capital of eastern Jiangsu Province, according to the municipal government. 福特汽车将在江苏南京设立产品研发中心以及中国运营中心。 The two centers will be t...

  • 华为建立AI创新中心

    19-08-09 Huawei on Thursday unveiled its artificial intelligence (AI) innovation center in Suzhou, east Chinas Jiangsu Province. 本周四,华为在江苏苏州揭牌AI创新中心。 The new center, located in Suzhou Industrial Park, will prioritize testing innovative appl...

  • 陕西孵化今年第一只朱q幼鸟

    19-04-10 An artificial breeding center in northwest Chinas Shaanxi Province recently had its first crested ibis chick hatched this year. 陕西省一个人工繁育中心最近孵化出今年第一只朱鹮幼鸟。 After naturally hatching in a cage, the baby bird emerged from its s...

  • 海南成立旅游仲裁中心

    19-03-22 Southern Chinas island province of Hainan launched an arbitration center for tourism on Wednesday as its latest efforts to build itself into a popular international travel destination. 海南旅游仲裁中心周三举行揭牌仪式,该省欲打造成一个国际化的旅游胜...

  • 百度在保定建AI云计算中心

    19-02-02 Chinese artificial intelligence (AI) giant Baidu has decided to set up an AI cloud computing center in the northern Chinese city Baoding in its latest efforts to build more smart cities. 百度决定在保定建立一座AI云计算中心。 The AI cloud computing ce...

  • 空客深圳创新中心将于12月开放

    18-12-13 Airbus has announced that the companys China Innovation Center in Shenzhen will open in December. 空客宣布该公司位于深圳的中国创新中心将于12月开放。 At the end of last year, Airbus announced that its second global innovation center, also the first o...